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Can't Britain just close and say we are full up?

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I agree Kthebean, some of the most patriotic people I've ever encountered have been citizens of the former Commonwealth, yet the detractors would rather align themselves to people who look like them irrespective of what their personal qualities are.


i agree. the most 'english' people i've ever met were back home, and they've never even been to England!!


it's the same here. the first generation people from india, africa and the west indies are the most patriotic here, and the most grief i get about 'coming to take our jobs' is fom non-white faces for the most part.

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In this country you have to be registered as living here to access Public Services.


No you don't.


Where do people register? What registration documents do they need? What documents do you have to produce to show entitlement to use Public Services? Your state ID card?


If you were here and you wanted to get a driving licence, you would have to produce your Anmeldungsschein (registration document.)


What do you have to produce to get a Provisional licence in the UK?


I first came to the UK in 1968. I didn't register with anybody. Between 1968 and 1988 I was not on any electoral roll in the UK. The government (or the department at that time which dealt with registration - if, as you suggest there is one) had no record of where I lived.


I left the UK in 1988 (and arranged with the benefits agency to continue paying pension contributions.) I didn't 'de-register'.


I came back again in 1991, bought a house and lived in it. I did not register with anybody, nor was my name put on any electoral roll.


The next time I left, I didn't de-register, either.


I will be in the UK next week. Should I become ill, I will go to an A&E and receive treatment under the NHS paying exactly as much as you pay. I might even pay less. - I'm an over-60 diabetic with a handful of other problems, so I would probably get the medication at no charge.


When I enter the UK next week, I will have a passport (I'm coming over on the Dunkerque-Dover Ferry.) I have entered the UK many times (quite legally) without a passport. It isn't exactly difficult.

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If Spanish law requires residents to register their presence and the Spaniards are concerned that they have 675,000 unregistered British residents, then surely the answer is obvious?


Send the Police round to their houses, arrest them, bring them before a court, fine them heavily (and if you're really feeling mean, kick them out.)


There's nothing to stop Spain from doing that.



My sentiments exactly, but if this was applied as some advocate here then the net result is more overcrowding as there are more of us over there than there are of them over here.


We can't go around telling people they can't come here, when we've got more over there.

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The Spaniards might decide not to expel the unregistered Brits, but they could make a few bob from the fines.


If their law requires people to register, then inability to produce a registration certificate (or an inability to prove that you have indeed registered - it could hardly be an offence to lose the document) would probably be grounds for prosecution.


The UK doesn't have any form of registration document, so presumably it would be rather more difficult to bring proceedings against an individual for not having one.

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No you don't.


Where do people register? What registration documents do they need? What documents do you have to produce to show entitlement to use Public Services? Your state ID card?



In order to access the Benefits system and to register for work you need to have a National Insurance number, this is the registration I was referring to.



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utter rubbish. epic fail.:gag:


Elaborate please!


What is the difference between 675000 Brits failing to register in Spain and 500000 people from abroad failing to register here? (other than there are more of us of course)

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Apart from a few individuals who are complete internet constructs, most people on here are who they say they are. I know people who know boyfriday in real life and speak very highly of him. I also know people who know you in real life who don't speak so highly of you, or the kind of people you associate with. :suspect:


And regardless of who knows who in real life, just judging by what is posted on here, boyfriday comes across as an positive, intelligent and open-minded person whereas you come across as negative, confused, small-minded and obsessed with immigration.


So going back to my original post, I'd rather live in a society populated by boyfridays* than Glamrockers although it takes all sorts to make a world.


John X


*sorry to boyfriday for dragging him into this ridiculous debate! :(

Either your a liar or the people who talk to you are liars ,nobody,I repeat ,nobody on here knows me personally,as for associating with certain kinds of people ,again you nor anyone else on here knows who I associate myself with so again you are a liar.I think as re your email with a certain poster you still have the deluded belief I am a certain BNP follower ,your mate Ian should tell you different ,after all he was/is big mates with him ..along with your partner or ex partner as may be.

Im neither negative confused or obsessed with immigration,I speak out against aspects of it and if it seems I prefer these threads dont you think its maybe because I dont think the inanity of"what have you eaten today" and similar threads appeal to me.

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Either your a liar or the people who talk to you are liars ,nobody,I repeat ,nobody on here knows me personally,as for associating with certain kinds of people ,again you nor anyone else on here knows who I associate myself with so again you are a liar.


Wow, who rattled your cage!


And no I don't think you are Roy James but you certainly share many of his deluded ideas! :hihi:


John X

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Wow, who rattled your cage!


And no I don't think you are Roy James but you certainly share many of his deluded ideas! :hihi:


John X


I reckon Roy James aint been on here in years. You registered in 2009...mmm so who were you formally registered as...:suspect::D

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I reckon Roy James aint been on here in years. You registered in 2009...mmm so who were you formally registered as...:suspect::D


Roy James was on here only a few months ago as 'Steiner'.


I'm sure there have been others! ;)


John X

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