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Can't Britain just close and say we are full up?

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And who exactly is claiming that it is?




My signature claims nothing. It is a simple statement and I have accused no-one of anything. I repeat that it is interesting that it is only you, Quinnwok, Glamrocker and nightlight59 who have any objection to it.


Anyway, as I said earlier I have little interest in the opinions of someone who laments that out and out racists who post on the unashamedly white supremacist St*rmfront are no longer posting here. That is not a particularly good way to but clear blue water between out and out racism and legitimate concern about immigration.


John X


Okay leave the signature. Its up to you. I'm not the thought police but on a personal level, I'm sure your not a nasty person, but it does make you appear a nasty person for showing no respect or common decency...


But like I said I'm sure you just did it for effect, to wind people up..

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If your argument is based simply on economic grounds rather than xenophobia, then maybe you should accept that it may be cheaper to allow someone to stay rather than deport them.


John X


So are you saying that the government should allow foreign criminals to stay in the country, do you realise how stupid that makes you seem, perhaps next you'll be saying we should import them.

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And who exactly is claiming that it is?




My signature claims nothing. It is a simple statement and I have accused no-one of anything. I repeat that it is interesting that it is only you, Quinnwok, Glamrocker and nightlight59 who have any objection to it.


Anyway, as I said earlier I have little interest in the opinions of someone who laments that out and out racists who post on the unashamedly white supremacist St*rmfront are no longer posting here. That is not a particularly good way to but clear blue water between out and out racism and legitimate concern about immigration.


John X

I dont have any outright objection to your signature ,I just fail to see what the events in Norway have to do with immigration in this country which seems to be the basis of your signature.The bloke in Norway is an obvious nutter ,he asked if he could wear a tuxedo in court yesterday,and my heart goes out to the families of the bereaved but it seems you are trying to score cheap points,and failing dismally may I add,using the deaths of these people simply for that cause and that my friend in anybody's book is wrong.

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675000 Retired persons move to spain, buy a home, has a pension.


5/7 million Individuals come to uk, take jobs social housing benefits ETC ETC


HOW do the two compare?


1 million illegal immigrants in the uk.


1 million British youth unemployed in the uk.


:rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:


I'm not sure what has made you angry, I understand your love for your country so I can only conclude that your irritation is with thsoe Brits who don't share this and move abroad.


Anyway, what figures are you talking about? My post compared the numbers of illegal Immigrants in this country against the number of Brits who have failed to register to the authorities in Spain.


If you want to talk about the numbers of people living abroad legally, then I'm happy to discuss with you your thoughts on why Britain should have more people living abroad legally than any other country (5.4 million of them), and in particular would you force these back or stop others from following them.

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I don't feel its racist to be totally against immigration. I am, for now, because I feel the cost to the people already here is too great. That included the cost to immigrants already here..


Ok, what is that 'cost' though?

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I'm not sure what has made you angry, I understand your love for your country so I can only conclude that your irritation is with thsoe Brits who don't share this and move abroad.


Anyway, what figures are you talking about? My post compared the numbers of illegal Immigrants in this country against the number of Brits who have failed to register to the authorities in Spain.


If you want to talk about the numbers of people living abroad legally, then I'm happy to discuss with you your thoughts on why Britain should have more people living abroad legally than any other country (5.4 million of them), and in particular would you force these back or stop others from following them.

I dont think the onus is on any country to stop people going out,that surely is the job of the destination country.....your argument is vastly flawed if you are trying to counter UK immigration policy with a outgoing effect

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Ok, what is that 'cost' though?


Both in terms of financial and social cohesion. I don't have the figures because there are none that are accurate. Lots of the financial costs are hidden by those who don't want an honest debate about the subject. I've highlighted a couple of the costs already, that don't show in official figures. You can't believe a word the government and its quango's say, because frankly, they talk with fork tongue.....Remember WOMD? If they can lie about that massaging a few figures is easy..

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If your argument is based simply on economic grounds rather than xenophobia, then maybe you should accept that it may be cheaper to allow someone to stay rather than deport them.


John X

But we're a tiny country with too many people already - a few pounds spent deporting them is better than the extra bodies to house and mouths to feed that will come a generation or two down the line.
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The 150 are only those born overseas.
An immigrant, by definition is someone 'born overseas', who emigrates to another country.

I don't really care but can't accept the imaginary and sight handicapped view that the immigrant population was not over represented during the riots. I highlighted the 150 because issues like this are not included in the calculations for cost of immigration. There are thousands of other hidden costs not included in the data.

Could you articulate what those hidden costs are? Do you believe they outweigh the positive financial contributions of immigrants?

This is not a race issue, its an honesty issue. Out of all the people who post on here I'm the one who has the most sympathy for the people involved in the rioting, both black and white. So to me, singularly, its not an issue of blaming any one section. Its an issue of accepting the facts. Without this we can't ensure that it won't happen again.

Frankly, I've little sympathy for the people involved in the rioting. Whatever the facts are highlighting the number of immigrants within the miscreants won't achieve your objective of helping the people involved in the rioting, five percent is hardly a significant number.

Your calculations, along with many others, are seriously flawed. The student comparison you mention only included the "revenue" they bring in as though that is entirely profit for the country. It doesn't include the cost of public services the students use when they're here.

Oh come off it Frank, how often do you believe a fit, healthy student is going to be popping down to A&E or using the student health service? Foreign students pay over £20k pa for tuition, pay for their accommodation and spend money in local shops to live...that far outweighs any costs they might incur using public services, if it didn't the government would soon charge them for it!

In relation to your PS. PS You're not an immigrant if you're born here but you wouldn't have been born here unless for immigration.

..I was hoping you'd arrive at that conclusion..in which case you probably wouldn't be here either but for immigration.

I don't know what English football hooligans have to do with a debate about immigration but anyway lets put that to bed. Unfortunately, for you, I've spent a lot of my life around "football hooligans." Do you know why the Birmingham City football hooligans are called "The Zulus" well, Mr F, its because a large percentage of them are black. Do you know the colour of a now departed leader of the BBC, that's the Blades Business Crew. He was black.

Since you're the one with the obsession with the over representation of certain groups in offending terms, you're not trying to claim that whites aren't over represented in the football hooligan world are you? :hihi:

Anyway I can't see the logic in pointing out other social problems when debating immigration, its kind of desperation because your argument is failing...

Well you introduced the costs of repatriating immigrant offenders, well the costs of processing and repatriating convicted British football hooligans over the years won't have been insignificant.
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I dont think the onus is on any country to stop people going out,that surely is the job of the destination country.....your argument is vastly flawed if you are trying to counter UK immigration policy with a outgoing effect


But if everyone had the shortsighted viewpoint of some (including you) on here, to stop people coming in to their country tehn we'd all be condemned to a life in our own country.


Now difficult that this may be for you to understand, but plenty of decent people want to experience life in another country and we can't go around telling people they can't come here when we send more tahn any other country elsewhere.

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