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Can't Britain just close and say we are full up?

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I dont have any outright objection to your signature ,I just fail to see what the events in Norway have to do with immigration in this country which seems to be the basis of your signature.The bloke in Norway is an obvious nutter ,he asked if he could wear a tuxedo in court yesterday,and my heart goes out to the families of the bereaved but it seems you are trying to score cheap points,and failing dismally may I add,using the deaths of these people simply for that cause and that my friend in anybody's book is wrong.


The problem with the signature, rest assured he regrets it now but won't remove it for fear of loosing face, it's like digging a bunch of dead kids up and parading them as an example of what will happen if people present mis-information about immigration.


There are several major flaws with this reasoning. Firstly, who decided if the information is untrue? Is it John? (Notice how I've dropped the "X" because I find the thought of a grown man pretending to be some sort of Secret Agent a tad embarrassing.)


So then John is the major authority on what's true and what's a lie. If he agrees he'll pat you on the head. Incidentally, I think his treatment of BF is racist in itself because he treats him differently, almost patronising..


Then if he doesn't agree he'll get his shovel and start to exume the children's bodies and display them as an example of what can happen.


Secondly, if someone does purposely provide misleading information about immigration does this automatically mean that the poster supports child murder? Look at the politicians of all parties, they all do it...John does it, we all do it, either purposely or in error.


Thirdly, no mention of the misinformation is given no examples that can be debated.


In conclusion, John has set the bar as low as it can get and I hope everybody can now see what I mean't when I first highlighted it...

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The problem with the signature, rest assured he regrets it now but won't remove it for fear of loosing face, it's like digging a bunch of dead kids up and parading them as an example of what will happen if people present mis-information about immigration...
Would the London bombings be another example of what will happen if people present mis-information about immigration?
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An immigrant, by definition is someone 'born overseas', who emigrates to another country.

Could you articulate what those hidden costs are? Do you believe they outweigh the positive financial contributions of immigrants?

Frankly, I've little sympathy for the people involved in the rioting. Whatever the facts are highlighting the number of immigrants within the miscreants won't achieve your objective of helping the people involved in the rioting, five percent is hardly a significant number.

Oh come off it Frank, how often do you believe a fit, healthy student is going to be popping down to A&E or using the student health service? Foreign students pay over £20k pa for tuition, pay for their accommodation and spend money in local shops to live...that far outweighs any costs they might incur using public services, if it didn't the government would soon charge them for it!

..I was hoping you'd arrive at that conclusion..in which case you probably wouldn't be here either but for immigration.

Since you're the one with the obsession with the over representation of certain groups in offending terms, you're not trying to claim that whites aren't over represented in the football hooligan world are you? :hihi:

Well you introduced the costs of repatriating immigrant offenders, well the costs of processing and repatriating convicted British football hooligans over the years won't have been insignificant.


BF you are being naughty. The students not only receive free healthcare. They have at their disposal, The Police force, The Fire Service, Their bins are emptied, they visit parks, libraries and other publicly funded facilities. I'll say again, there are thousands of hidden costs not covered in official documents when calculating the costs of immigration.


The 5%, and you know, is the total of those brought before the courts so far who were born overseas. There's many who were born here to come yet.


I'm not obsessed with the fact that those from overseas are more likely to be involved in crime. I'm just being honest, it just irritates me because obvious facts, like the number of black rioters, are denied because of the politics involved. In relation to the football argument your probably right now. It wasn't like that years ago though, there were plenty of black football hooligans. These days you don't see many black faces at matches, except on the pitches, I feel this is due to economics rather than a moral issue.

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BF you are being naughty. The students not only receive free healthcare. They have at their disposal, The Police force, The Fire Service, Their bins are emptied, they visit parks, libraries and other publicly funded facilities. I'll say again, there are thousands of hidden costs not covered in official documents when calculating the costs of immigration.The 5%, and you know, is the total of those brought before the courts so far who were born overseas. There's many who were born here to come yet.



The police(that are facing cuts) have had to spend £82 million on language translaters.



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BF you are being naughty. The students not only receive free healthcare. They have at their disposal, The Police force, The Fire Service, Their bins are emptied, they visit parks, libraries and other publicly funded facilities. I'll say again, there are thousands of hidden costs not covered in official documents when calculating the costs of immigration.
..and you don't think these 'costs' are taken account of when they come here to study?

The 5%, and you know, is the total of those brought before the courts so far who were born overseas. There's many who were born here to come yet.

..but they're not immigrants, if they were born here..doh!

I'm not obsessed with the fact that those from overseas are more likely to be involved in crime. I'm just being honest, it just irritates me because obvious facts, like the number of black rioters, are denied because of the politics involved.

It's denied just as the number of white hooligans is denied when football thugs go on the rampage because their skin colour is irrelevant

In relation to the football argument your probably right now. It wasn't like that years ago though, there were plenty of black football hooligans. These days you don't see many black faces at matches, except on the pitches, I feel this is due to economics rather than a moral issue.

Frank, I'm old enough to remember that attendance at football matches was not something for black folks, having myself suffered racial abuse in the seventies, and black faces were a rarity on the terraces then.


It is however interesting that you're prepared downplay the facts when the main protagonists are white, yet I'm making no connection between the causal factors of football hooligans and their ethnicity.


So, yes blacks and immigrants may well have been over represented in the recent rioting, but it wasn't because they were black or immigrants that made them do it, it was because they're thugs and as we all know they come in all racial persuasions.

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The police(that are facing cuts) have had to spend £82 million on language translaters.




Surely translators are an important part of the police service?


Someone's English may be good enough to hold a job down and take part in society but to give a statement you have to be sure about a what is said and that is where translators often come in.

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So, yes blacks and immigrants may well have been over represented in the recent rioting, but it wasn't because they were black or immigrants that made them do it, it was because they're thugs and as we all know they come in all racial persuasions.


I'd agree with that. The areas that suffered most, initially, are deprived areas They're not deprived due to minorities living there, but because its the only areas they can afford to live in.

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