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Can't Britain just close and say we are full up?

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The OP is pretty well right; far too many people are coming from areas of Eastern Europe with no historical links with England and therefore no awareness of English customs and terrible command of the English Language, and they appear to be offered jobs over the heads of at least equally hard-working British-Born people, themselves of diverse cultural backgrounds; unlike the E. Europeans, however, British born people of backgrounds such as Indian, Pakistani, Carribean, etc. have been born and brought up with the English Language, as well as a long historical -Commonwealth- connection with Britain. Many other British born people such as myself, have been born here of parents who moved from abroad in the past -my father a Jewish refugee from Europe, and my mother Irish, but once again, thatwas when few places would take Jews fleeing from Hitler, and again Ireland has a close historical and language link with Britain.

Of course, being cynical, my Irish half would love to work and live in Ireland -and I have done some shortlived work there many years ago, but again, guess who is nicking all the jobs there right up until the recession but those E. Europeans....


One of my real suspicions is that some thoroughly dishonest managers are recruiting pretty-looking E. european blondes into many jobs (e.g. hotel work) rather than harder-working better-English speakers of Afro-Carribean and Asian background, just because of, erm, colour...

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This nation is full, we need to start rounding up every illegal and kick them out now.


No it isn't and no we don't.

So you don't think the UK is overcrowded and has public resources struggling to meet the population's needs, and you don't think we should deport illegal immigrants?
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So you don't think the UK is overcrowded and has public resources struggling to meet the population's needs, and you don't think we should deport illegal immigrants?


I certainly don't think they should be deported without having their personal circumstances taken into account. If, for example, the person here illegally is working and contributing to society surely it doesn't make sense to kick them out.

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I certainly don't think they should be deported without having their personal circumstances taken into account. If, for example, the person here illegally is working and contributing to society surely it doesn't make sense to kick them out.


They are here illegally, working illegally, and taking a position that one of our own unemployed could do whilst contributing nothing, doesn't seem to sink in with you does it.

Perhaps you would like to exchange your wages for their upkeep, any offers??

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I certainly don't think they should be deported without having their personal circumstances taken into account. If, for example, the person here illegally is working and contributing to society surely it doesn't make sense to kick them out.
So are we overcrowded with strained public resources or not? You said the nation isn't full.

We may not be up to one person per square metre at legal nightclub limits in every field and wood, but we have inadequate housing, roads, medical care and schooling. That's pretty full in my book.


Does it not bother you that that illegal immigrant who is 'contributing' will be doing so by taking a job that a legitimate Briton should be taking?

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So are we overcrowded with strained public resources or not? You said the nation isn't full.

We may not be up to one person per square metre at legal nightclub limits in every field and wood, but we have inadequate housing, roads, medical care and schooling. That's pretty full in my book.


Does it not bother you that that illegal immigrant who is 'contributing' will be doing so by taking a job that a legitimate Briton should be taking?


No. Why would it?


I judge people on their human qualities, not where they come from.

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No. Why would it?


I judge people on their human qualities, not where they come from.

I note you continue to avoid answering my questions about your denial that we are overcrowded.


As for 'why would it' bother you, I am astounded. We have high unemployment in the UK, and many people who are UK citizens or otherwise legally entitled to be here are trying to find work. Many thousands of jobs are taken by those who have come here illegally.


Those illegal immigrants may have some nice human qualities. They may be affable company, but they are still criminals. Would you mind an illegal squatter taking your house if he seemed like a nice chap and smiled at you as he refused to let you in to your own home? He would be taking something he is not entitled to, just like the illegal worker.

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I certainly don't think they should be deported without having their personal circumstances taken into account. If, for example, the person here illegally is working and contributing to society surely it doesn't make sense to kick them out.

Well done Halibut that just about seems to sum up your knowledge on illegal immigration.

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No. Why would it?


I judge people on their human qualities, not where they come from.


That's not at all what anyone's talking about. This is not a humanitarian story. We're talking about this country being full to bursting with people, all of whom have come here over the past 30 years, and who claim oodles of benefits, and, in many cases, get preferential treatment to long standing Taxes paying citizens who've spent their entire lives here.


It's an unjust system.

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