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Can't Britain just close and say we are full up?

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The problem with those policy makers in favour of continuing immigration is that it doesn't affect them in the same way it does the working classes.


They disappear to some posh suburb somewhere and alls well, but it isn't.


Its good that there appears to be more and more, on here, speaking up. Not the BNP types on the whole but ordinary people who've had enough. Its time to speak up.


Those in favour of creating a multi-cultural hell hole have changed tack of late. They have constantly claimed.


1. There's no such thing as the indigenous English - There is, they're white, born into the Christian faith.


2. The countries not full - Should have gone to Spec-Savers.


3. None whites were not over represented in the rioting - Adjust colour settings on television.


So lets keep up the fight and don't be put off by claims that you're a racist. You're not, they're fools....

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The problem we have here is that we're arguing the wrong thing. For the country to "be full" there needs to be a finite amount of something. A hotel with 100 rooms and 100 guests is full. A bus with 100 seats and 100 passengers is full.To fill a country we have to work out what the finite thing is that we no longer have. Land? Plenty of that left. Work, Houses? They can be created. Health and infrastructure can all be expanded. If you want do discuss the negatives of immigration, and they do exist, then do so, but to say "we are full" is stupid.


How many homeless, quite a few so by your reckoning were full.


Land, what are you going to use for growing food?

Water, where are you going to get it from?

Waste, where are you going to put it?

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Non-sequitur, again. You like these, don't you? 1 million unemployed means we need 1 million job opportunities for young people, not that we are full.


:rant:We have the jobs:rant: However immigrants are doing them:rant: Hence we are full:rant: We are full because we cannot employ even our youth:rant:To the tune of 1 million:rant:Kick out the 1 million illegal immigrants and end mass immigration and reduce unemployment to 10% of todays levels and then maybe we can say we are not full:roll:

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How many homeless, quite a few so by your reckoning were full.

No. Houses can be created. I even wrote it down. It was there under the bit you put in bold.


Not all land is used for food, infact a lot of land is wasted. People could take much more advantage of free land to grow their own food, something I'd love to see. Secondly a lot of our food is imported. If immigrants are economically viable then we can still continue to buy food. The days of Britain being self-sufficient are long gone.


As for water, that isn't an issue at the minute. Do immigrants stop reservoirs filling?

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No. Houses can be created. I even wrote it down. It was there under the bit you put in bold.


Not all land is used for food, infact a lot of land is wasted. People could take much more advantage of free land to grow their own food, something I'd love to see. Secondly a lot of our food is imported. If immigrants are economically viable then we can still continue to buy food. The days of Britain being self-sufficient are long gone.


As for water, that isn't an issue at the minute. Do immigrants stop reservoirs filling?


Can I just ask, in your opinion what would constitute, "full."

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