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Can't Britain just close and say we are full up?

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So you think, Ian Wright isn't English? And Richard Dawkins' children can't be English? Really? :o


Of course he's English, but he's not indigenous English. There's a difference, even if you fail to accept that white English people have the right to their history.


If you note Ian Wright is black. Its not possible for the indigenous English to be the same colour because the climate has never been hot enough.


If I went to live in Nigeria for 100 years I wouldn't be indigenous Nigerian. Because its not possible.


While ever we have silly debates about such, we'll not make any progress in race relations.


Newsflash = == = If white English, born to the Christian faith and can be called indigenous. If anyone is the same then they can claim the same, if not, they can't.


There's no shame in not being called indigenous English and if I went to live somewhere else I wouldn't claim to be something I'm not, so I don't really get why someone would want to ditch their origin and pretend to be something else....

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BF, sadly, most of this just isn't true. Ok, you're right about the Scurvy, but I worked in Immigration / Naturalization for a lonnnng time and the system just doesn't work. That's right. I actually *worked directly in this area* and for every person the system catches. Loopholes and mistakes miss ten others.


Indeed it may not be how it works Karis, but I did say it's how it's "supposed to work", in my post.


The policy is right, it's implementation isn't 100% effective though and I readily accept that, but that doesn't mean immigration is a bad idea (I know you're not suggesting that), it means the supervision of the system needs to be properly resourced and funded.

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Can you tell us what "full" would mean then. Now that Chris has failed miserably..:D


Don't you think it's up to the people who are claiming that the country is full to define what full is? Or at least define it better than the busses are full up.

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I never said it was or wasn't, I believe. I said it was a silly argument. If people are going to be anti-immigration then they need a better argument than "we are full".


Any chance you can post without the snide remarks stuck on the end?


Chris you're starting to change direction, ever so slightly. You'll be agreeing with me soon, they always do:D I can't see there is a better argument to be against immigration than we're full, so am a bit puzzled at that.


I can't really see why asking someone for evidence of what they claim is "snide" Unless the requested doesn't have a logical answer...:help:

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Indeed it may not be how it works Karis, but I did say it's how it's "supposed to work", in my post.


The policy is right, it's implementation isn't 100% effective though and I readily accept that, but that doesn't mean immigration is a bad idea (I know you're not suggesting that), it means the supervision of the system needs to be properly resourced and funded.


No, I agree. And, believe me, the last thing I ever want is to argue with you or anyone on here.


I quit my job, quite honestly, because I was sickened by what was going on. You, too, would be sickened by the amount of money the Government (fairly) pays out to the groups who know how to manipulate the system.


And, who can blame them?


I think immigration is cool; I love everyone and I really do revel in meeting new people and cultures, but I get depressed when folk won't socialise, stick to their own groups, form mini communities where "outsiders" get the feeling they don't 'belong'.


And all those things do happen, on a regular basis :(


And that's the down side to immigration.

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Of course he's English, but he's not indigenous English. There's a difference, even if you fail to accept that white English people have the right to their history.


If you note Ian Wright is black. Its not possible for the indigenous English to be the same colour because the climate has never been hot enough.


If I went to live in Nigeria for 100 years I wouldn't be indigenous Nigerian. Because its not possible.


While ever we have silly debates about such, we'll not make any progress in race relations.


Newsflash = == = If white English, born to the Christian faith and can be called indigenous. If anyone is the same then they can claim the same, if not, they can't.


There's no shame in not being called indigenous English and if I went to live somewhere else I wouldn't claim to be something I'm not, so I don't really get why someone would want to ditch their origin and pretend to be something else....


How white you have to be to be indigenous? Is this a "silly debate"?


You failed to answer the other question - you think that Richard Dawkins' children can't be English?

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Of course he's English, but he's not indigenous English. There's a difference, even if you fail to accept that white English people have the right to their history.


If you note Ian Wright is black. Its not possible for the indigenous English to be the same colour because the climate has never been hot enough.


If I went to live in Nigeria for 100 years I wouldn't be indigenous Nigerian. Because its not possible.


While ever we have silly debates about such, we'll not make any progress in race relations.


Newsflash = == = If white English, born to the Christian faith and can be called indigenous. If anyone is the same then they can claim the same, if not, they can't.


There's no shame in not being called indigenous English and if I went to live somewhere else I wouldn't claim to be something I'm not, so I don't really get why someone would want to ditch their origin and pretend to be something else....


I wasn't born to Christian parents, but I'm white and all my relatives are from these Islands, do you believe me not to be indigenous?

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Don't you think it's up to the people who are claiming that the country is full to define what full is? Or at least define it better than the busses are full up.


No I have hearby authorised you, personally, to take full control of immigration. You have the power to cease immigration when you feel the country is "full" We just now need to see your manifesto so we can see the way forward and what you consider to be mean't by "full"..


You've provided another puzzling response, shake hands with Chris. You demand to know what others say is full. They say we already are. You say we're not. Then when asked what full is then, you say ask someone else.:hihi:


You lot are so funny, and so easy to rag all over...:hihi:

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I wasn't born to Christian parents, but I'm white and all my relatives are from these Islands, do you believe me not to be indigenous?



Yes your indigenous English, I've never been to Church, neither did my parents, or grand-parent. But historically we're a Christian country, we still marry and get burried in Church whether we practice the religion or not.


Why is it such a big issue for the white English to lay claim to their history? Its our history, other countries have history.


The indigenous Australians are aboriginies, the indigenous Americans are native indians, and the indigenous South Americas were Incas or Aztec, or whatever. Why can't the white English lay claim to a history?


So, indigenous South Africans, what colour are they?

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