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Can't Britain just close and say we are full up?

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Of course he's English, but he's not indigenous English. There's a difference, even if you fail to accept that white English people have the right to their history.


If you note Ian Wright is black. Its not possible for the indigenous English to be the same colour because the climate has never been hot enough.


If I went to live in Nigeria for 100 years I wouldn't be indigenous Nigerian. Because its not possible.


While ever we have silly debates about such, we'll not make any progress in race relations.


Newsflash = == = If white English, born to the Christian faith and can be called indigenous. If anyone is the same then they can claim the same, if not, they can't.


There's no shame in not being called indigenous English and if I went to live somewhere else I wouldn't claim to be something I'm not, so I don't really get why someone would want to ditch their origin and pretend to be something else....



So back to my original question, if being 'indigenous British' is about being white and born into the Christian faith, what does that make


a) My white nephew, born into the Christian faith who has a black grandparent?

b) White people born in Britain of British parents who aren't Christians?

c) White Christians born in Britain, but to foreign parents?

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Can you tell us what "full" would mean then. Now that Chris has failed miserably.

I said "full" was unquantifiable and impossible to prove, so thus I haven't tried and haven't failed. You litter nearly everything you say with petty digs and it really does make it hard to talk to you.


I've stopped replying to some people on here because they can't do any better than suck all the joy out of this place and I wouldn't like you to go down the same route. I do have enough respect for you to try and respond, but you aren't helping me.

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Yes your indigenous English, I've never been to Church, neither did my parents, or grand-parent. But historically we're a Christian country, we still marry and get burried in Church whether we practice the religion or not.


Why is it such a big issue for the white English to lay claim to their history? Its our history, other countries have history.


The indigenous Australians are aboriginies, the indigenous Americans are native indians, and the indigenous South Americas were Incas or Aztec, or whatever. Why can't the white English lay claim to a history?


So, indigenous South Africans, what colour are they?


So you're changing the goal posts now, earlier on you stated that you had to be white and Christian to be indigenously English. I only meet 50% of your criteria, but now you have the good grace to accept me as indigenously English. Why change in your stance?



I have no Christianity in life as I wasn't married in a church, and I certainly won't be buried in one.

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Yes your indigenous English, I've never been to Church, neither did my parents, or grand-parent. But historically we're a Christian country, we still marry and get burried in Church whether we practice the religion or not.


Why is it such a big issue for the white English to lay claim to their history? Its our history, other countries have history.


The indigenous Australians are aboriginies, the indigenous Americans are native indians, and the indigenous South Americas were Incas or Aztec, or whatever. Why can't the white English lay claim to a history?


So, indigenous South Africans, what colour are they?


.. it's interesting that the groups you mention can trace their ancestry back tens of thousands of years, however how would you describe the offspring of an Aborigine who has children with a European?

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You know what at the end of the day the people vote for mass immigration everytime they vote liblabcon,like the saying goes you get the goverment you deserve. Until the people wise up then as far as im concerned they deserve all thats coming their way.


What's the alternative nightlight?

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Chris you're starting to change direction, ever so slightly. You'll be agreeing with me soon, they always do:D I can't see there is a better argument to be against immigration than we're full, so am a bit puzzled at that.


I can't really see why asking someone for evidence of what they claim is "snide" Unless the requested doesn't have a logical answer...:help:


OK then smarty pants. So why do you believe this country to be full?

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So back to my original question, if being 'indigenous British' is about being white and born into the Christian faith, what does that make


a) My white nephew, born into the Christian faith who has a black grandparent?

b) White people born in Britain of British parents who aren't Christians?

c) White Christians born in Britain, but to foreign parents?


a) He's 100% English. However, I think there is a difference between indigenous English and English. He is, obviously, 3/4 indigenous English and 1/4 indigenous African. Why on earth would you want to disregard his African heritage and adopt English heritage. He should be encouraged to identify with his black grand parents. No doubt you will say he is proud of his black heritage. But then one must ask why you prefer him to be classed as indigenous English.


b) I never said you have to be a Christian. I said historically its a Christian country, which it is.


c) They're indigenous to their country, they're not indigenous English.

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The problem with those policy makers in favour of continuing immigration is that it doesn't affect them in the same way it does the working classes.


They disappear to some posh suburb somewhere and alls well, but it isn't.


Its good that there appears to be more and more, on here, speaking up. Not the BNP types on the whole but ordinary people who've had enough. Its time to speak up.


Those in favour of creating a multi-cultural hell hole have changed tack of late. They have constantly claimed.


1. There's no such thing as the indigenous English - There is, they're white, born into the Christian faith.


2. The countries not full - Should have gone to Spec-Savers.


3. None whites were not over represented in the rioting - Adjust colour settings on television.


So lets keep up the fight and don't be put off by claims that you're a racist. You're not, they're fools....


So explain what you mean by born into the Christian faith to smooth over the confusion that you're causing.

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