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Can't Britain just close and say we are full up?

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Incidentally, what do you think the indigenious South Africans look like again. Can the white South Africans claim to be indigenous?




I think the more significant question is do black South Africans have the same obsession with describing themselves as 'indigenous' as British nationalists do?


How would you describe a black South African who had a white British grand parent?

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Well what a fine, upstanding, logical fun type guy. I agree that a white person becomes polluted if they touch a black person. Nicole Scherzinger asked me to touch her black body the other night, well I nearly threw up...ERM NOT...:love::D



You want to be careful there fella, her wig might come off in your hands :hihi:

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I think the more significant question is do black South Africans have the same obsession with describing themselves as 'indigenous' as British nationalists do?


How would you describe a black South African who had a white British grand parent?


3/4 indigenous S.A. and 1/4 white. But its not that black and white is it...pardon the pun.


I'm not saying that anyone should be treated differently. I don't really care what colour anyone is. Its the individual that counts.


However, I feel the history books are being re-written to suit left wing dogma. The indigenous English are white. They shouldn't be seen as any better than any others that live here. Its not about trying to claim superiority its about the truth.


If you look back through our history, you'll see that our history was formed by white English men and women. No doubt this will change in the future, and that's good, as more nationalities develop a history here.

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3/4 indigenous S.A. and 1/4 white. But its not that black and white is it...pardon the pun.


I'm not saying that anyone should be treated differently. I don't really care what colour anyone is. Its the individual that counts.


However, I feel the history books are being re-written to suit left wing dogma. The indigenous English are white. They shouldn't be seen as any better than any others that live here. Its not about trying to claim superiority its about the truth.


If you look back through our history, you'll see that our history was formed by white English men and women. No doubt this will change in the future, and that's good, as more nationalities develop a history here.


Yes, we know the "indigenous English" are white, is anyone claiming differently? The point I and I think others are making is that when put to this test many 'white, English' people fail it, my white nephew included by your own evaluation.


That's the problem, it's more than being white and born here isn't it? But if it is when you put anyone under genetic scrutiny you'll find that very few would pass the test ie indigenous to England with no or little influence from genes that aren't indigenous to England.


The other thing that no one has really explored is that indigenous communities have cultural differences that are entrenched in their history, but again when asked to describe things that are quintessentially English things that have been influenced by immigrants are invariably quoted.


You did it yourself when mentioning the 'monarch', and I agree, who could be more English than the Queen?-but she happens to be the offspring of immigrants, and to cap it all the future King of England is half Greek.


Chips are a foreign invention, as is Morris Dancing and may other things we 'do' have been influenced by immigrants, even the Friday night, after pub take away.


I think you might have got your knickers in a twist about this indigenous thing Frank, no ones trying to take anything from you, personally I've no problem with how you want to describe yourself, for what it's worth I don't consider myself indigenous and would never want to, but I would like to know what parameters are used by the people who do believe they are-what Im doing here is challenging the glaring inconsistencies in the definition since most don't know what it means or when they do they don't qualify themselves.

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