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Can't Britain just close and say we are full up?

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May I respectfully suggest that our immigration obsessive friends remove their heads from their rectums. The human population globally has now outstripped sustainable resources, and continues to grow. Anyone who thinks we can just shut the gate and all primary and secondary effects of the looming food and water shortages will pass is by, while we play cricket on the village green and wash our Morris Minors is, TBH, a bit of a dim wit.


The UK became wealthy and has supplied us with our hugely above average standard of living through the exploitation of resources across the globe. But now the consumerist dream is starting to take on more nightmarish qualities, some people think we can just bolt the gate. We don't want to be global any more now it is all going wrong, and the problems should all be reserved for the foreigners. Well it's not going to happen, so get used to it you whinging bloody babies!! :hihi:

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May I respectfully suggest that our immigration obsessive friends remove their heads from their rectums. The human population globally has now outstripped sustainable resources, and continues to grow. Anyone who thinks we can just shut the gate and all primary and secondary effects of the looming food and water shortages will pass is by, while we play cricket on the village green and wash our Morris Minors is, TBH, a bit of a dim wit.


The UK became wealthy and has supplied us with our hugely above average standard of living through the exploitation of resources across the globe. But now the consumerist dream is starting to take on more nightmarish qualities, some people think we can just bolt the gate. We don't want to be global any more now it is all going wrong, and the problems should all be reserved for the foreigners. Well it's not going to happen, so get used to it you whinging bloody babies!! :hihi:


Works both ways of course. Anyone who thinks we should leave the gate wide open for all has gotta be a bit of a dumbass too.

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The UK became wealthy and has supplied us with our hugely above average standard of living through the exploitation of resources across the globe.

That just shows how much you don't know regarding the true facts, only a small percentage of the UK became rich.

What I sugest is for you to get hold of a history book showing living conditions in the UK at the time our empire was at its height, people so poor rickets and all other forms of diseases a go-go, TB (now reintroduced by immigrants) and Polio were only eradicated in the UK after the welfare state was set up.

Standard of living only improved dramaticaly during the years following WWII.

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plain to see-my point is that we can't adopt the australians' immigration policy(or anything much like it) as ours is tied up with a host of other countries as opposed to australia's.

Strange isn't it that they all want to come here, wonder why.

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