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Can't Britain just close and say we are full up?

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Or are you attempting to cheapen the debate by insinuating that immigrants and TB are synonymous?
Nothing to do with cheapening the debate, TB has been reintroduced by Immigrants.

In the 50s a programme was introduced to give all school children the Heaf (spelling) test, anyone where the test results dissappeared was given the BCG immunisation.

So please stop trying to cause arguments as per usual.

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Seems weird that you should try to correct someone on their history when that said someone didn't even mention a specific time in history, yet you continue with a specific time as though someone has argued the point.

So do please tell us about your mansion/stately home you live in with your RR parked out side all from the benefits you and your family recieved from exploiting the British Empire as is being claimed.

Is it anything like Chatsworth House, Hassop Hall, etc?


Oh and BTW you would do well to look up pictures of life in Sheffield in the early part of the 20th century, maybe you won't recognise it as you would be more accustomed to a mansion in massive parklands that we "All were supposed to be living in".

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Nothing to do with cheapening the debate, TB has been reintroduced by Immigrants.

In the 50s a programme was introduced to give all school children the Heaf (spelling) test, anyone where the test results dissappeared was given the BCG immunisation.

So please stop trying to cause arguments as per usual.


immigrants, yes. and/or tourists who bring it back from where ever they come back from.

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What has happened is that the number of people coming here has gone up and the number leaving has gone down. The 20% (actually 21%) is the increase in the difference between the two figures i.e. there has been a 21% increase in the difference between those people arriving and those leaving. Or summat like that.


The biggest number of people arriving from outside the EU come here to study. From within the EU it's to work. It's all swings and roundabouts as those coming to study will bring in a lot of money that they will spend here. Anyone wanting to limit their numbers will be limiting the amount of money coming into the UK and cities like Sheffield which attracts a lot of overseas students.


It's not a lie though. At all. Also the more concerning figures shown at the same time is that there are seven million foreign born people here. Seven million.


That's like the whole population of Denmark and then some has just decided to come over here in a relatively short period of time.


Can't continue. End of. I admire the spirit of the people who say that we are all humans and all have the same rights, but really this is just an island in a small corner of the globe. We need skilled workers for sure, but 7 million of them? We can't cope with rises like that for long. And as for arguments we need cash.....well we really will do when we got 70 million living here. My word.

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Another poster who would do well to look up life in Sheffield 100 years ago.


I KNOW all about the fact that only the rich profited for the most part. i know that there were workhouses, TB, all manner of unsanitary conditions, people living three generations in one room sometime. not only in sheffield, but everywhere. does the fact that people suffered and were exploited here negate the fact that the same( mostly worse) happened elsewhere?


why are you so quick to think people don't know history?

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I KNOW all about the fact that only the rich profited for the most part. i know that there were workhouses, TB, all manner of unsanitary conditions, people living three generations in one room sometime. not only in sheffield, but everywhere. does the fact that people suffered and were exploited here negate the fact that the same( mostly worse) happened elsewhere?


why are you so quick to think people don't know history?


The UK became wealthy and has supplied us with our hugely above average standard of living through the exploitation of resources across the globe.


That is why I post that some people don't know their history, had 'Donkey' said "Some people in the UK became wealthy" it would have shown the 'Donkey' knew what it was on about.

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