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Is this place in my dreams or real ?

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There was a firm, John Petty & Sons between Garden Street and Hollis Croft. My Grandfather Jack Beardsall was a little mester there for years and Gran worked in the warehouse. They also made butcher knives.

He made 3-4 gross of pocket knives every week by hand. I helped him after school. It was like going back to Victorian times, grimy windows, no ventilation or dust extraction, no guards on the drives, all leather belting. Grandad died in 1957 from lung cancer. He had worked since he was 12 years old. John Petty drove a Bently and lived in Hathersage. It's a pity some of that wealth wasn't spent on working condition upgrades.........

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Paradise Square used to be called Pot Square and a man once auctioned his wife there,sorry i don't know what the final offer was,John Wesley also preached there and Francis Chantrey had a studio in the bottom left hand corner.


F.H. Wheeler (Electricians) used to occupy the middle building at the lower side of Paradise square. I had my first job there at 15.


The upstairs window where I had my fag at breaktime was where Wesley stood and preached to the crowd.


Of course I didn't know that at the time, because in those days, its fair to say, working people had little, or no interest in local history. We were part of it, and we wanted to escape from it.


I learned all I know about Sheffileld's history only after I moved to Canada, including where my name came from (a small village in West Yorkshire)

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That is the place i immediately thought of as well. Back in the 60's those buildings could have been used by Little Mesters i suppose.


hiya, hardly likely to have had little mesters around paradise square as this area was for big mesters,my wifes g/grandfather was a bespoke tailor there in 1895, it was said that he made uniforms for gen gordon he had the generals measurements on a model.now the area could have been say backfields, from near barkers pool down to wellington st, and there again it could have been one or dozens of streets, where i lived there were i suppose hundreds of little mesters.

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