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Groom eaten by shark!!

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And how will they know which shark did it.And how many will have to die in the process.


Well exactly. Sharks are fast becoming an endangered species thanks to the demands of man (usually Chinese, and usually tucking into a bowl of cartilage soup) whereas humans continue to infest the planet at an even greater rate.

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It's not natural. There have been very few attacks in the Seychelles. Would you prefer that miles of beaches are closed and livelihoods threatened because of one shark?


Well, if that is the case, and it is not natural, then I stand corrected.


I was just half listening to the news, and I got... "Groom killed by shark on honeymoon... swimming in the sea.... Shark is being hunted to be destroyed"


And I thought well, if he will go out swimming in the sea, he puts himself at risk... I didn't even hear where it happened or how close he was to the shore etc. Didn't hear what type of shark either. But, as far as I am (was) aware, sharks hunting for prey in the sea basically anywhere would be a natural occurance. Similarly to if you went out for a walk in the woods and got eaten by a bear.

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I've been to India, walking alone through a Tiger reserve. I've been to Canada, walking around in Grizzly country. I've swum with sharks in The Galapagos.


Each and every time I took a risk. But I felt it was worth it for the wildlife experience. If I'd been eaten then it would have been my own fault and the last thing I'd have wanted was the animals being killed in some sort of bizarre revenge killing.

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And how will they know which shark did it.And how many will have to die in the process.


It will be wearing a top hat.Have you seen this shark?



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It's not natural. There have been very few attacks in the Seychelles. Would you prefer that miles of beaches are closed and livelihoods threatened because of one shark?


Be fair.


fish live in the sea, not humans.


Healthy fish do not flap around on the surface. - They swim quite a way under it.


Fish (including sharks) are used to seeing other fish swimming around and they are accustomed to judging the size of the potential prey/aggressor.


Fish are fairly streamlined and they do not leave a huge bubble trail.


A human is NOT streamlined, but fish don't know that and the bubble trail from a human swimming below the surface probably looks like a very big fish to other creatures ... some of whom (including sharks) may think he's a dangerous large predator and will stay well away.


A sick and dying fish splashing around on the surface is fair game and easy meat.


You can't blame a shark for going for an easy lunch.


There is no shortage of sharks in the Indian Ocean and there is no shortage of nettable (and patrollable) bays in the Seychelles.


Bull sharks are particularly aggressive and they are known to hunt in shallow waters.


It's not the shark's fault - but perhaps the tourism department of the Seychelles government might be held culpable?

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