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There is a man in my bed.

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I rushed home at lunch to check on him (though I suspected he would have left) and bring him Paracetamol for his hangover.

He was leaving. I ran after him and handed him the Paracetamol. He was quite quiet with me. Maybe it was because he was hungover. But he was polite. There was a fit guy walking behind us and I do not know if he was more interested in him! And so what if he was? He is newly single and made it clear he is not ready for a relationship and I am only jealous they are getting it on in the sunshine and I am in work. LOL! Oh you are going to tell me off for thinking too much again.


I ran home and did not have enough time to go back the same way so I went back to the house to collect bus money. He had dressed the bed and left a very sweet note saying we would meet soon.


How all very Love Actually.


Going on past experiences, I will bump into him in two years and he will be married with a kid.


I feel fine now. I am sorry about earlier. It was all a bit woe is me.


Thank you all so very much for earlier! My next million threads will be positive (or random questions as usual.)


Que Sera, Sera, Whatever will be, will be. The future's not ours, to see….

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Right. Now I am laughing so hard.


I think it is a female, the way she writes, her thought processes etc. Way too feminine to even be a really gay guy.


Of course it's not an issue, I'm just surprised after reading the OP, it just read like it was from a woman.


I thought he was a guy from his pict, but he talks very feminine, where's Closet Guy when he's needed :hihi:


I have the sex drive of a bloke but the brain of an emotional woman. I have been told this before.

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The guy before that went back to his ex. ¹


The guy before that disappeared off the face of the planet. ²


The guy before that was too rude and I cut off contact. ³


¹ Many guys get back with their exes after me. Many guys meet the man of their dreams right after me. It is odd.

² Many guys disappear off the face of the planet but always reappear, eventually, and say something along the lines of they never met anyone as real as me and were scared.

³ If there aren’t good manners I run a mile. If a guy cannot be polite in week one what won’t he be able to manage in week one hundred and one. No. Manners. Chivalry. Give me an inch and I will return a mile. I do not ask for much.


Did you miss this bit? :hihi:


I did actually think you were a woman and then it clicked. The confusing thing is saying to ''have'' a child and not ''adopt'' a child.

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No offense but I could tell from the start that you was a guy, with another guy.


1) maybe its different people, different rules/values, but i would NEVER just let a stranger into my bed/ not even a step into my house on the same day, night.. that I had just met him!! No no no.

Screams for desperation & attracts wrong type. Maybe this occassion he is a nice guy, but albeit, youre giving the wrong impression.

I woudlnt recommend it, youre only coming across as wanting one thing, that starts and ends with bedding.


* where are you meeting.. clubs/pubs??

Best advice.. take it steady. Try more daytime activities.

Join the local theatrical group...


If you do go bars, just offer your number (you never know!) & offer to meet in daytime , normal coffee etc. That way get to know the guy .


if you just pick a guy up, same night, then in morning feel attatched & you find he has other things than you, well sorry to say this, but youre asking for it in the circumstances you met him, & falling in virtual love overnight.

Love doesnt happen overnight, & not going to happen overnight with some stranger you sleep with or even just allow to stay at yours as the night was late, and your mind is all full of romancing ideas.


You need to take it steady & do some daytime & normal crawling!


seriously consider the local theatre.

I have many of freinds that have found meaningful partners of all ages & are engaged etc that way.

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Lolly84 you are very blunt. I like it. Thank you so much for that. I appreciate it. Hmmm he did lose his key to his house and his battery was dead on his phone and housemates were not in. There was rigmarole along the way that got us there. I slept on the sofa and insisted to do so. Anyway they are just minor details (and straight people pick wrong people too!) I am paying heed to the most important parts of your post, your advice to slow down and explore other activities. Thank you!

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Lolly84 you are very blunt. I like it. Thank you so much for that. I appreciate it. Hmmm he did lose his key to his house and his battery was dead on his phone and housemates were not in. There was rigmarole along the way that got us there. I slept on the sofa and insisted to do so. Anyway they are just minor details (and straight people pick wrong people too!) I am paying heed to the most important parts of your post, your advice to slow down and explore other activities. Thank you!


If you come across as desperate you will only attract people who will want to take advantage of that and you could end up getting your heart broken.


There are a lot of things that you could be taken advantage of.


I certainly wouldn't allow somebody to stay in my bed that I had only met one night. He knows where the hotel is lol.


I would be very careful as you do seem like a genuine person and people will play on it and use it to their advantage.


Men are all.......forget it I'm not even going to say it :hihi:.

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He knows where the hotel is. Ha ha! Well it’s pathetic if I come across desperate because I am so independent and I do like being single. I do not know where this need comes from once in a while and why it comes across the way it does.

Thank you for saying I am genuine. I promise I will be careful (though I generally have a good gut instinct.)


There is nothing like old-fashioned dating. It should not be described as old-fashioned.

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