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Rents rise, cars burn.

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A special unit is investigating the fires as political crimes after the police received letters claiming responsibility that derided globalization, gentrification and rising rents, he said.




In Germany, there is growing anger over the rising levels of rent.


How long before we see similar trouble over here?


Look at the current ONS release on the inflation.




Inflation is running at 5%, inflation of the basics is even higher (bread, milk, eggs, meat, gas and electric).


In particular;


housing & household services where the largest effect was due to increases in housing rent, particularly for social housing provided by registered social landlords


That'll be an increase in the housing benefit bill then!

And an even larger chunk out of workers wages!

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You have a bit of an obsession about housing don't you?


Ive said that before :hihi:.I am waiting for him to ask how long it took to get a council property, so i can tell him a mate of mine bid for one last week and he moves in next week.So thanks for the opportunity now.

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Ive said that before :hihi:.I am waiting for him to ask how long it took to get a council property, so i can tell him a mate of mine bid for one last week and he moves in next week.So thanks for the opportunity now.


Simple answer.



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In Germany, there is growing anger over the rising levels of rent.


How long before we see similar trouble over here?




But you already have, haven't you?


It's just like the whole of England (Sheffield?) Rioting everywhere! And these buggers aren't even taking the car for a drive before they torch it!


Believe it or not, 'Berlin' is not Germany. There are parts of Berlin (notably Prenzlauer Berg, Moabit, Lichtenberg, Wedding, Pankow, and perhaps Neuköln and Marzahn) where you wouldn't want to go at night (particularly if you are dark-skinned). There are significant numbers of 'depraved' [pace, Hyacinth] Ossies who are unemployed, unemployable and who feel that the 'darkies' are taking their jobs.


There is a shortage of jobs for unskilled, unqualified workers in Berlin (particularly in the old Eastern part) - just as there is in many other large cities. People in Tottenham said: "There are no jobs here." - Yet there are thousands of people who commute to London to work. (Why don't those people who complain about the lack of jobs steal a march on the commuters?)


Could it be that a significant number of them lack qualifications? (Many probably aren't even qualified to give a urine sample.)


It's not the fault of 'society' or 'the rich' or ' the government' that significant numbers of people can't be bothered to attend school, can't be bothered to gain the qualifications they need to get a job and have made themselves unemployable.

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private rent is already too much for those not working, and with the number of people not working at the moment... well, you do the maths...


I was made redundant recently, and will soon be homeless (landlord has actioned section 21, no idea why :S) and to find somewhere else private... well, that's going to be difficult, and hey, try and get a council place in two months... that's just as hard...

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private rent is already too much for those not working, and with the number of people not working at the moment... well, you do the maths...


I was made redundant recently, and will soon be homeless (landlord has actioned section 21, no idea why :S) and to find somewhere else private... well, that's going to be difficult, and hey, try and get a council place in two months... that's just as hard...


There are over 60 flats & bedsits on the First Come First Served part of the Property Shop website, but unfortunately, apart from 2 they are all age banded, most for over 60 some for over 40. http://www.sheffieldpropertyshop.org.uk/fcfsprop.asp?


There are 2 x 1 bedroomed flats advertised at Pitsmoor, no waiting time. If you are going down the ordinary bidding route, your success will probably depend on how much waiting time you have. Good luck with finding somewhere.


Its pretty obvious that the council can't attract over 60s into those flats, so perhaps its time they looked at changing the rules, and turning some of the blocks into housing for younger people, as they are mainly the ones who need homes.

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In Germany, there is growing anger over the rising levels of rent.


How long before we see similar trouble over here?


Look at the current ONS release on the inflation.




Inflation is running at 5%, inflation of the basics is even higher (bread, milk, eggs, meat, gas and electric).


In particular;




That'll be an increase in the housing benefit bill then!

And an even larger chunk out of workers wages!


Your totally right.

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Ah diddums. Look at private rental instead.


I have a secure tenancy in the social sector. I have no need to enter the private sector.


However I can appreciate that I am lucky (although only recently could one be classified as lucky for gaining a council tenancy).


I'm alright Jack, but I still bang on about the state of housing, because many others are not alright. I'm not going to stop making my point until people have viable housing options.


The current lack of housing, particularly for the youth is a disgrace.

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