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Is it worth reporting bad driving to the police?

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We sometimes get police representatives posting on these threads. I think it would be handy if they post on this one to let us know what they do with any information reported to them.


If they log a complaint, do they put the registration number on a database?

If someone has video evidence, is this kept?

Is a complaint supported by video evidence given any more weight that a verbal complaint?

Can/Would the police ever prosecute based on video evidence from a memeber of the public?

If someone else complains about the same vehicle, will the two events be linked together, automatically, by the database?

If there are several complaints, does it trigger any action by the police?

If so, how many events does it take to trigger any action?

If a vehicle is involved in a RTC, is there any check to see if the number plate is already "in the system", for bad driving?

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