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Ian Duncan Smith - article in the daily mail.

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..recent riots were a blessing in disguise because they would help the Government justify radical benefits reforms to make work pay.


Isn't that what most of us have been wanting for years?


Of course, whether he has the backbone to push through those reforms is another matter



I think you need to be a little more cynical about this. Politicians secretly love big events and disasters, because it is what gives them an excuse to flex real power and bring into being odeous changes to law.


Almost always it is bad law and causes a reduction in civil liberties and loss of privacy. In the last few decades we have lost many rights due to kneejerk laws.


In the normal course of events, most government ministers can only make slight adjustments and none of this will ever be anything to give them a real place in history. Making big gestures and large changes is exactly what they crave. Just watch this space they will milk all this for as long as possible, just like they did with the MPs expenses and the News of The World story. And previously with the Lady Di death and the 7-7 bombings etc.. etc..

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The riots were the straw that broke the camels back. If it results in the death of this slovenly class which has risen up then I agree with him 100%.


Well said.


I have no problem with the Government removing benefits (note I didn't say reducing benefits - the time for pussying around has gone) from people who won't (note I didn't say can't) work.

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It goes without saying that Tories are stupid and say stupid things but IDS has clearly achieved an A level in stupidity here.




Your heading echoes the Daily Mail, but the wording in the Guardian is somewhat different. ''The work and pensions secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, has said Britain is in the "last chance saloon", with the riots a warning that social problems could get worse.'' http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2011/aug/18/britain-last-chance-saloon-iain-duncan-smith


Does anyone disagree with the fact that there are a lot of social problems that need solutions? Or that the politicians may have to sit up and take notice? Surely we should be concentrating on the meaning of what was said, and not pick up on a line or sentence that particularly fits an agenda?


But doesn't that always happen when people quote 'there's no such thing as society'? That phrase was never the real meaning of the full speech, but is usually picked out in isolation.

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Your welcome, but if you could understand that i'm on about Kieth in particular!


Well, I slightly prefer people from the far left over their counterparts on the far right, probably because people on the far left will only ever kill you should they get into power.


Whereas those on the far right will kill you for simply getting in their way.


And most people really don't fancy getting killed; it's not pleasant.

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Keith Rich is a far left communist Labourite, this is his only agenda! :loopy:


Actually Karl Marx used to hate those who refused to work. He called them the lumpenproletariat. I studied Marx as part of my recent degree in Applied Social Studies at Hallam Uni.


And no he doesn’t have a brother called Groucho :roll:

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Well, I slightly prefer people from the far left over their counterparts on the far right, probably because people on the far left will only ever kill you should they get into power.


Whereas those on the far right will kill you for simply getting in their way.


And most people don't fancy getting killed.


And where do you lay?


Haven't seen you for a while, been on another ban for your trolling followed by a personal dig... Oh, talking about the right, your anti-Semitic aren't you! :roll:

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