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Fox hunting bill killed off!

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When you look at animal suffering and cruelty fox hunting was so far down the list it's embarassing.


No problem with banning it, but anyone who put their efforts into banning it and said not one word, applied one iota of political pressure, to the hypocritical labour gov to ban battery farming of chickens and who claims to give a damn about animal welfare is a lying scumbag.


You leftists don't give a damn about animals, you care about posh people and having a pop at them. Over a decade in power and chickens are being tortured in the most inhumane ways perfectly legaly and you dance around celebrating the fact you saved about 12 foxes. You hyprocrits make me sick.

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When you look at animal suffering and cruelty fox hunting was so far down the list it's embarassing.


No problem with banning it, but anyone who put their efforts into banning it and said not one word, applied one iota of political pressure, to the hypocritical labour gov to ban battery farming of chickens and who claims to give a damn about animal welfare is a lying scumbag.


You leftists don't give a damn about animals, you care about posh people and having a pop at them. Over a decade in power and chickens are being tortured in the most inhumane ways perfectly legaly and you dance around celebrating the fact you saved about 12 foxes. You hyprocrits make me sick.


How many of any one species that are saved is irrelevent, the important fact is that they were.

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Sorry to start yet ANOTHER thread about the Tories. (Although it will give you a chance to hurl more insults) But it has just been announced that Cameron has been defeated in his pledge to bring torturing foxes for fun back.


I know many people feel as strongly as me about this and will be overjoyed that Cameron's sick sadistic bully buddies have been defeated.


pity hunting is fun.

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Sorry to start yet ANOTHER thread about the Tories. (Although it will give you a chance to hurl more insults) But it has just been announced that Cameron has been defeated in his pledge to bring torturing foxes for fun back.


I know many people feel as strongly as me about this and will be overjoyed that Cameron's sick sadistic bully buddies have been defeated.




Ren and Stimpy

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If it was important to save animals, why weren't there more campaigns against battery farming?


I have no idea other than perhaps chickens do not appeal to the eye as much as the fox.


Edit: that and we eat them

Edited by Canis lupus
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