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Fox hunting bill killed off!

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You most certainly do. You've given support to a foxhunting ban, but you don't appear to be doing anything to save the chickens.


Your actions speak louder than your words.


I agree with the ban, I offered no physical support to the cause and, as many others do, I am careful to read the label when it comes to purchasing chicken from a Supermarket. Not much I know, but it's something

Edited by Canis lupus
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Clearly you do value one life over another, whining like a bitch over a handfull of foxes and not at all concerned over hundreds of thousands of battery farmed chickens. The numbers speak for themselves - you value the fox more than the chicken by a huge degree


Whose whining? I'm merely expressing my own personal joy that the ban on hunting foxes would appear to be staying put for now. As for the chickens, my contribution lies in not buying cheap cuts. Stop professing to know my ideals and morals, you clearly do not.

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I don't see many on here shouting about Halal slaughter - wonder why that is.


Bit of a cheap shot, that.


We have megathreads dedicated to such topics, have a search for them.


They usually die off when people eventually realise the 'normal' way of killing them can hardly be described as humane :)

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You've given support to a foxhunting ban, but you don't appear to be doing anything to save the chickens.

You are being a little harsh. There is a different morality about killing an animal for sport and killing an animal for food. Bloodsport is barbaric, in all its forms. Killing an animal for food doesn't have to be barbaric, but the industrialisation of the process is, sadly.

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You are being a little harsh. There is a different morality about killing an animal for sport and killing an animal for food. Bloodsport is barbaric, in all its forms. Killing an animal for food doesn't have to be barbaric, but the industrialisation of the process is, sadly.


you have it wrong. the sport element is only part of fox hunting and secondary to the route reasons why foxes were controlled in this method. the fox hunting ban is actually a mis-representation of what it really is and that is a ban on hunting foxes with more than a few dogs.


no foxes have been saved by the ban and the current methods used to kill a fox are less humane than hunting with dogs. then bear in mind the governments own guardians of farm animal welfare called for a ban of both halal and kosher meats calling it inhumane, but nothing was done and they chose to ignore their calls. hunting was banned because it was seen as a class issue by the then pseudo-socialist government of the time.


personally i do not like to see any animal killed unless its for food. i believe in using none lethal methods of control, but our focus is misplaced as many other animals die in much worse conditions every day.

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I suppose that if left unchecked then the population of foxes would continue to increase as apart from us they have no natural predators, so no doubt at some stage in the future it will become necessary to introduce a cull on a large scale.

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The population of urban foxes in the UK has (apparently) increased dramatically.


We don't have many foxes around here (these things keep the fox population under control ;)) but further North, they are a problem - particularly because of rabies and 'fox-tapeworm' (Echinococcus multicularis) which poses a significant health hazard to humans and domestic animals.


In areas where that parasite is prevalent, it's inadvisable to eat wild fruit, mushrooms, or vegetables not grown in 'fox proof' fields.

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I think there's a difference between killing an animal for food and killing something for the laugh or because its a nuisance. I take this all the way down to spiders and our little insect friends too.


I still feel bad about the animals who die to feed us but hope they weren't tortured or went through any suffering before they ultimately snuffed it.


These fox hunting people deserve to be tortured in my basement, go through massive trauma and eventually all die horrific deaths.

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