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Fox hunting bill killed off!

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These fox hunting people deserve to be tortured in my basement, go through massive trauma and eventually all die horrific deaths.


:hihi: Karma.....


I think that it has been dubbed a sport is what upsets the populace, it's an occasion and whether or not they control Fox numbers is immaterial, chasing down an animal is seen as cruel not only by city dwellers either.

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Anyway the main thing is that torturing foxes for fun has no chance of now being brought back.


And sadistic pervert Cameron has once again been proved to be completely out of touch with the country and his own party


Just need to get rid if this person now. Please sign the petition:


Think maybe you are a bit over the top. A sadistic pervert please explain. Do you understand the meaning of sadistic and pervert?

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I have a great love of the farming "indusrty", been involved in it all my life, to some small extent.


It's just a pity animals taste so good, especialy with Yorkshire Pud and three veg.


I don't see many on here shouting about Halal slaughter - wonder why that is.






Good post I agree with you totally, where would we be without farmers in Britain. I buy British food always. Wouldn't dream of buying foreign meat. Always try to buy British grown veggie etc. Love our roast beef and yorkshire pud. People do seem afraid to talk about Halal slaughter which I think is dreadfully cruel. Easier to have a go at the 'toffs' and David Cameron because it sticks in the throats of the Labour voters in Sheffield that we have a Tory Prime Minister. I am actually happy about that fact.

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...I don't see many on here shouting about Halal slaughter - wonder why that is.


People do seem afraid to talk about Halal slaughter...




Sixteen pages of threads where the word "halal" occurs. Plenty of shouting too. Of course, the many threads on the subject that have been deleted are not included.

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Good post I agree with you totally, where would we be without farmers in Britain. I buy British food always. Wouldn't dream of buying foreign meat. Always try to buy British grown veggie etc.


We'd certainly have a different landscape without the farming industry and it's probable we'd have a few more native animal species also.

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