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Is the Government GUILTY of sub judice re the riots?

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No they're not. The government haven't said person a or person b must get 4 years etc.


Our elected representatives have rightly conveyed the disgust of the british people at the rioters and our desire they suffer suitable punishment for their crimes.


I worry about anyone whose concern is that the scum who laid waste to communities didn't get the expected slap on the wrist rather than the famillies of those murdered in the riots, the people made homeless by the riots and the businesses and employees put on the dole by the riots. They are the victims, not the amoral arsonist looting scum who the guardianistas are now claiming are the "real victims".

Hasnt the government sent a memo to the courts asking for the most serious punishment available.? i thought i saw that somewhere....

Its all too political for me...whatever crimes they have committed, they should not be punished more severe than any similar previous cases..i think the government are making a huge mistake and will come back to haunt them....

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...then they get arrested. Isn't there still one MP in jail for the expenses fraud fiasco?


How many went to jail of those that were caught/charged/tried/convicted?


What was the maximum sentence and maximum sentence imposed?


Of those that went, the average time served vs the maximum sentence?


Had they been convicted of anything before?


Should those in a position of trust be punished more than the proles?

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didnt a lot hold their hands up and give the money back....thus saving themselves punishment....


I don't know of anyone who were found to have submitted fraudulent claims, who did that.


A lot of people confuse the actual fraud cases with the numerous examples of excessive, but allowable under the rules, claims. Those may well have been morally repugnant, but they weren't illegal.

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Hasnt the government sent a memo to the courts asking for the most serious punishment available.? i thought i saw that somewhere....

Its all too political for me...whatever crimes they have committed, they should not be punished more severe than any similar previous cases..i think the government are making a huge mistake and will come back to haunt them....


The courts are noting the exceptional nature of the context of the offences, and sentancing accordingly.


Only a druling retard would think that nicking x in the commision of violent riot is the same as nicking x by shoving it up your jumper in dixons. Both are serious offences, the riot bit making it a much more serious offence and the punishment must reflect that.


Do you have a problem with the rioters being punished?

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