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Is the Government GUILTY of sub judice re the riots?

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I don't think anyone is saying the rioters shouldn't be punished and to describe me a "lefty?" well that made me laugh.


But we have a situation here where we have politicians whipping up public opinion against a group of people when they are much worse. They may wear suits and have posh educations and the rioters wear hoodies and carry dole cards but the two are very much the same. Its those at the bottom that get the unpleasant end of the stick though.


They cause wars, then send others to die in the cause. Its funny how not one MP's son or daughter is currently fighting overseas. I wonder how many shop windows were smashed in Iraq?


Nobody says the rioters shouldn't be punished but they should be punished by the same rules as anyone else. MP's didn't get justice when their frauds were highlighted. They didn't even lose their jobs.


Cameron and the likes don't give one hoot, usually, for the communities that have suffered most during the riots. Their outrage is more to do with the safety of their seats than a desire to help anyone.


The tories and new labour have been torching communities for decades, they were a bit smarter than the rioters though.


We. the British public, are mugs for falling for their deceit time and time again..


Quite right, and let's not forget the bankers who through their own greed caused havoc in the economy and led to many thousands losing their jobs and homes (homeless applications up 25% in the last year). Not just unpunished, but still rewarded.


The government is never on the side of the people. It's on the side of the rich and powerful against the people. You only have to look at the News International and banking scandals to see that.

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No they're not. The government haven't said person a or person b must get 4 years etc.


Our elected representatives have rightly conveyed the disgust of the british people at the rioters and our desire they suffer suitable punishment for their crimes.I worry about anyone whose concern is that the scum who laid waste to communities didn't get the expected slap on the wrist rather than the famillies of those murdered in the riots, the people made homeless by the riots and the businesses and employees put on the dole by the riots. They are the victims, not the amoral arsonist looting scum who the guardianistas are now claiming are the "real victims".



Nobody elected them and they certainly don't represent me ... they might resent me, though.

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It seems common sense is appearing...


A woman jailed for accepting a pair of shorts stolen during the Manchester riots has been freed from prison after appealing her sentence.


Magistrates jailed Ursula Nevin, 24, for five months last week after she pleaded guilty to handling stolen goods.


The mother-of-two is thought to be the first person to have successfully appealed against a sentence handed down after the violence across England.


The Recorder of Manchester, Judge Andrew Gilbart QC, ruled today that the decision was "wrong in principle" as he ordered that she should instead perform 75 hours of unpaid work for the community.


Ms Nevin had been asleep at the time of the riots but was given the clothing by her lodger who stole goods from the Vans store and took them back to their house in Stretford. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/woman-jailed-accepting-loot-freed-130631093.html

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David Cameron is promising that those thieving toerags who got away with free tv's, free laptops, free clothes, free food "will see the full force of the law."


good job David, let them think about what they've done in prison.........


where they'll get free tv's, free laptops, free clothes & free food.


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David Cameron is promising that those thieving toerags who got away with free tv's, free laptops, free clothes, free food "will see the full force of the law."


good job David, let them think about what they've done in prison.........


where they'll get free tv's, free laptops, free clothes & free food.



It saddens me that anyone could be so misinformed. I assume you're an ordinary hard working citizen? If you are how do you feel now that Mr Cameron and his fellow politicians do indeed get those very freebies...? And a lot more.


Nobody can excuse the behaviour of the rioters. However, they started with nothing at the beginning of the riots. Those you appear to be supporting had millions in the banks and still stole the same luxuries. Who's worse?


Don't let the ruling classes muddle your thinking....It is very much them and us..

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David Cameron is promising that those thieving toerags who got away with free tv's, free laptops, free clothes, free food "will see the full force of the law."


good job David, let them think about what they've done in prison.........


where they'll get free tv's, free laptops, free clothes & free food.




But they will, of course, learn to sing.


The repertoire may be limited, but they will sing with feeling.


"Please don't make my brown eye blue."

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When the scales of justice are so clearly weighted, when wealthy people can loot and plunder with absolute impunity there is bound to be civil unrest. It seems to me that our government are hell bent on creating the ideal environment for riots as they continue to drive the wedge into the social and economic divides.

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