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Windows 98 SE Upgrade CD

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Hi Intenet Owl,


What version of windows are you currently running? Why do you feel you need to upgrade?


The reason I ask is,


1. DON'T pay £70 for a windows 98 upgrade, when you can get XP for the same price. Windows 98 is not worth £70!!!!!


2. Upgrading can cause problems on your PC. You'd be better off with a clean install, just save all your important files to CD B4 you format your hard drive.


3. If you do decide you want to go the XP route, make sure your PC can handle it. It uses more of your computers resources than previous versions of windows.

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Internet Owl


I must agree with others Windows XP is the way to go,by far the superior of the OSs.

However if that is not an option and you need something a little less dazzling.

Then 2000 is the next best thing,I have a couple of Win 2000 disks (not copies) if you want one let me know and ill get one to you,for free of course.

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Now is a good time however to reiterate what you may already have heard announced last month. Microsoft is retiring Windows 98 support as of January 16, 2004. From their website, Microsoft announces that, "In accordance with the Microsoft Product Support Lifecycle, no-charge support for Windows 98 ended on July 1, 2003. Paid-only support will continue to be available from Microsoft at $35 per incident until January 16, 2004. Support will also be available from some third party providers."
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Microsoft has announced its telephone support service for Windows 98 will cease on January 16, although online support will continue for some time to come.



The move follows in the footsteps of Windows 95, for which support stopped at the end of December, 2001.



Microsoft says that it will release security patches for Windows 98 if a problem appears serious enough, but is encouraging users to move up to Windows XP to obtain full support services.


With 39million copies of Win98 still in use that is another big earner for Microsoft as all 98 users start to migrate to XP.

Sadly for some users that will not be an option,however I have a number of systems and I use whatever OS is best for that system.

Allthough support and distribution is being withdrawn I thinks many people will continue you use it.


I am aware of some companies that still employ Win 3.1,and Win95 is still widely used by the Royal Mail (explains a lot) so at at the end of the day its whatever meets your requirements.


So only buy a Carlos Fandango super fly PC if your needs are such that its what you require.

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alert_bri: i wouldn't bother with the upgrade if it all works ok, and you can run what you want.


As for the upgrading of win98 first edition to winXP, i don't recon it would work. There are issues with trying to get older pcs running on XP (ie the crash constantly). You'ld have ot check the windows xp hardware compatibility list for all of your hardware, but i don't thnik it would work.

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Haven't Microsoft announced that they will be supporting Win 98 until June 2006 now?


I don't know how they get away with it. If I buy a car I understand that the maker has to supply spares for that model for ten years after he ceases to make the model so why do the computer organisations get away with such a short time for their software. The latest version of Windows 98SE was bought out in April 2000 so is not yet 4 years old. So long as people have a PC which they have paid hard earned cash for it should be kept going for as long as people wish to use it as far as software is concerned. If Mr Gates was on the breadline I could perhaps understand and excuse him for not providing a service to his long suffering customers. Yes he can market a newer software by all means but what some people have might be ok by them as they may only have basic systems. If he can't keep peoples machines in its inherent software then perhaps those people should accept a later version for free!! :mad:;)

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