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Are you the same in real life as you are online?

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I am the same here as I am in real life. I even type the same way I think and converse.


Maybe I am lucky not to lead a stressful life and have no need to come online and unwind as a different person (if this is one of the reasons people do actually change when they are online - I have no idea).


I give up when it comes to online dating. Some people will hide behind their computers forever and never meet.


I think the Internet gets a hard time. I think there are freaks in real life just as much as there are on the Internet.


Are you the same in real life as you are online?

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I am almost myself on here, just a little more restrained than in person :D.


I really don't see the point of pretending to be someone or something that you aren't. Even if you get to know people online, with a different persona, you can't call them friends if you haven't been truthful to them. Who is going to be friends with someone they know has lied to them from the start?

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Yep, I'm me too, although as kittenta says, as mods and admins we do have to be tactful in giving our own opinions and think about the appearance of how we post looks to others.


It's perfectly possible to have a robust debate without swearing, insulting others or representing yourself as someone that you're not, and it's hard to understand quite why so many people act completely differently to how they would in real life when they're online when it's just not necessary.

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On here I'm quite outspoken, probably a bit too outspoken hence I keep getting banned, but in person I'm fairly quiet and not good in large crowds (cos I have poor social skills due to Asperger's syndrome).

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