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Sheaf markets/Castle markets


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Maces was a pet shop in the Sheaf market if I remember right. I wonder if they moved there when the old market closed...? I remember buying tortoises from the old market as a kid, they were well under a quid each and they were all piled on top of each other in a box. I used to pester my mother to buy me one, mainly just to get it out of that box.

Tortoises are well over a hundred quid now but in far better condition than the ones we used to buy.

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Yup, thats right Jabbers:thumbsup:


I remember Ogleys from somewhere though... I remember the Moorfoot shop but I`m sure they had one elsewhere... What was the name of that pet shop in the castle market...? The main pet bit of the place was upstairs and the downstairs bit sold pet foods and stuff...was that an Ogleys?

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Maces was a pet shop in the Sheaf market...

I remember it as being just up from the Sheaf Market, on the left hand side as you walked down from Castle Market to the back entrance of the Sheaf Market. It had two floors: downstairs was the pet food and such like, upstairs the tanks of fish, hamster cages etc. I remember buying goldfish from the open white tanks they had on the floor. This was the late 70s.


I do remember a pet shop in the Sheaf market too, though I only remember them selling pet food (they had sacks of dog biscuits on the floor at the front of the stall).

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I remember it as being just up from the Sheaf Market, on the left hand side as you walked down from Castle Market to the back entrance of the Sheaf Market. It had two floors: downstairs was the pet food and such like, upstairs the tanks of fish, hamster cages etc. I remember buying goldfish from the open white tanks they had on the floor. This was the late 70s.


I do remember a pet shop in the Sheaf market too, though I only remember them selling pet food (they had sacks of dog biscuits on the floor at the front of the stall).


I remember buying a Persian cat for one pound fifty from there!


God I`m old.

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Guest sibon
....Mace's ?


Mr Mace was once a witness for me in a car crash. Someone pulled out of a side road near what is now the Hilton and wrote off my very sexy Ford XR2.


He was walking past at the time and kindly gave me his contact details, without sniggering at the car.

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I remember it as being just up from the Sheaf Market, on the left hand side as you walked down from Castle Market to the back entrance of the Sheaf Market. It had two floors: downstairs was the pet food and such like, upstairs the tanks of fish, hamster cages etc. I remember buying goldfish from the open white tanks they had on the floor. This was the late 70s.


I do remember a pet shop in the Sheaf market too, though I only remember them selling pet food (they had sacks of dog biscuits on the floor at the front of the stall).


That was Ogleys.

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