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Post office messengers

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anybody who worked at the head post office in the 1940s as a telegram lad


Is 'len palmer' your real name and did you do National Service in Egypt? If so, I think I know you and some other GPO guys that were there, I have photos of some Sheffield lads.

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anybody who worked at the head post office in the 1940s as a telegram lad


hi len palmer

just a quick liine to let you know there a thread on the forum gpo telegram boys 1950/56 we meet every 6 weeks for a pint and chat at the penny black pond st have a look might be some names you know regards aj

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Is 'len palmer' your real name and did you do National Service in Egypt? If so, I think I know you and some other GPO guys that were there, I have photos of some Sheffield lads.
he Royal Signals yes that is my real name ,and I was in Egypt from 1952 to 1954 in the

Royal Signals

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he Royal Signals yes that is my real name ,and I was in Egypt from 1952 to 1954 in the

Royal Signals


This is amazing, I have photos of you and other Sheffield lads, if you remember them? You had a buddy that also worked at the GPO, is name was George Barnes, I think he was a bit of an artist also. - I'm thinking you might have been a bit older than me, as I believe you and George served your apprenticeship before going in at 21yrs old, I left the 'Signals' in '53. - There is a 'National service' thread on the 'Forum' with postings from other Signals guys, as a matter of fact I did put a photo on there, I don't think I did it right, as it didn't come out very large but I believe you are on that picture.

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Hi fleetwood.

I think we may not be talking about the same people, I was at the post office from 1947 to 1950 when I joined the regular army for 5 years

yes I was in the royal signals in the canal zone from 51 t0 54 . I met a few guys from Sheffield and many were national service . were any of the you know in moascar with 3 Division signals ? I would like to see the photo you mentioned

just in case i know some of them

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HI Echo Beach.

you mention the motor bike s used by the messengers in the 60 s . when I started in 1947 we only had push bikes and ithink it was in 1949 we were trained to ride the BSA Bantam 125 and from the on it was a much easier jof, but we had a few accidents caused mainly by the tram line in wet weather and we lost one the lads in an accident and his name was Fred Hamnett . by the way my badge number was 1066

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Hi fleetwood.

I think we may not be talking about the same people, I was at the post office from 1947 to 1950 when I joined the regular army for 5 years

yes I was in the royal signals in the canal zone from 51 t0 54 . I met a few guys from Sheffield and many were national service . were any of the you know in moascar with 3 Division signals ? I would like to see the photo you mentioned

just in case i know some of them


I was 3rd Infantry Div Sigs at Moascar mid 52 to end of 53, there were quite a few lads from Sheffield and area, in that group were two lads from the GPO, one was a Ron or Len Palmer and the other I think was George Barnes, all the Sheffield and area lads got together and had some photos took in the camp. - Now I might have got wrong with the bit about you were 21 having served your apprenticeship first. - If you wanted to click on the 'National Service' thread on the Forum and look at some of my 'Posts' you would come to my link to the picture in question. - Other than that you could 'Private Message' me your email address and I would be able to scan the pictures too you.

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