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Post office messengers

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Sorry to dredge an old thread up from the dead like this, but I've registered just to contact either of you. Not Royal Sigs, but my late grandfather (Gnr Fred Newman) was with 3 DIV HQ RA (1951-53), first in Cyprus and then the Canal Zone from Feb '52 and I was really hoping you might be able to fill in some blanks.


Above all, what I'm really trying to discover is where precisely he was in Egypt. 3rd Div HQ was in Moascar (Ismailia), but I can't find anybody who knows exactly where HQRA was based. Ferry Point is one suggestion (HQ Canal North District was there), but I can't find any confirmation.


I'd be delighted if either of you is around to chat--here or by private message.




Hi Charlie_F - Sorry I can't help. Your grandfathers title suggests he was a gunner with the artillery. I was in the Royal Signals in a little different time situation according to your statistics, I was with signal personnel exclusively in my camp. While everybody seems to give Moascar as the address, Moascar was a small town approximately 10 to 20 miles away. He would have been in a different camp in a different situation and in a different area to me, the whereabouts? I have no idea. Short of finding websites with more information related to your needs, good luck in your quest and endeavours.

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Hi Charlie_F - Sorry I can't help. Your grandfathers title suggests he was a gunner with the artillery. I was in the Royal Signals in a little different time situation according to your statistics, I was with signal personnel exclusively in my camp. While everybody seems to give Moascar as the address, Moascar was a small town approximately 10 to 20 miles away. He would have been in a different camp in a different situation and in a different area to me, the whereabouts? I have no idea. Short of finding websites with more information related to your needs, good luck in your quest and endeavours.


Very good of you to reply.


He was indeed a gunner, but with the HQRA (not one of the field regiments). HQRA was highly likely to have been located near 3rd Div HQ.


I thought, like you, that I'd be able to find out online where that was, but I've looked everywhere you could possibly imagine and had no joy.


I've also been poring over material from the National Archives at Kew, but if it's there I haven't found it yet.


Hope all's well in your neck o' the woods.

Edited by Charley_F
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