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Traditional Chinese Medicines and Animal Cruelty

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Their lunatic beliefs are threatening the existence of entire species.


How perverted is it that African Rhinos are now having their horns amputated in order to prevent poachers killing them because of a criminally deluded belief that they can cure cancer? Madness, yet condoned by the Chinese Government.


Millions of seahorses are caught, killed and ground into powder and used in Chinese medicine. Again, a completely erroneous belief is resulting in the near extinction of animals.




Unlike people who belief in St Johns Wort or homeopathy, who might be deluded, Chinese medicine is denuding the planet of some of it's rarest creatures.


Suppliers are so desperate they'll even steal plastic replicas.


Chinese "medicine" brings shame upon the Chinese race.


Totally agree...


There's no place for this in the 21st century, and I have no idea how people get away with it...shame on the people who but it too, they're the reason it's still happening really...

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Chinese "medicine" brings shame upon the Chinese race.


I'm pretty sure some of it works, if it really didn't work at all people wouldn't have uses it for hundreds of years.


Some of the stuff they use has lead to breakthroughs in "conventional" medicine so i dont think you can totaly dissmiss it all as being crap.


I'm not defending killing rhinos BTW, I'm just saying that there is something in it and it's not just killing things for the fun of it, most of our super advanced medicine started off in a similar way.

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