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Can asylum be revoked once the threat has been removed ?

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Should they start families then that would be up to the authorities to decide whether or not they had broken the terms and conditions of their asylum. I have not started any personal attacks on you so please don't start on me or come up with stupid arguments about the deporting the whole population.
A very good point indeed, another worth while debate, but probably one that would need its own topic.
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Will Col Gadaffis soldiers and supporters be allowed asylum here if the rebels take control of the country ?


I've just seen a Libyan on the News who lives here. He compared Gaddaffi to Nelson Mandela. He has thousands of supporters here and in Libya so god only knows what we're doing getting involved. They should be left to sort it themselves.


I've a feeling that all these revolutions in the Arab world will historically be seen as a catalyst for strife. The countries will implode and be taken over by extremists who will eventually turn on the West....


There's a big war coming...

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What sort of time scale though. What if someone's been here 10 yrs?
Im not sure how long it is to be honest, Im sure there ill be a limit in which we must then grant people permanent residence. Anyone know what it is ?


I know every so often they admit defeat and then let everyone stay, just to get the figures off the chart so they can start again and calm everyone down because it looks out of control.

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Asylum that is being abused is always out of control. The people that come here and don't get it just sneak in anyhow or don't leave, we can't keep track and end up letting everyone stay just because we have not kept a grip and can't regain the initiative.

So why would it be so difficult to say that all those that can go back should ?


If the grounds of your request are no longer valid then we should be obliged to re look at the granting of the asylum status, its not difficult and its a start.


So you want all asylum seekers to be banned from working and forced to live on less than what is deemed the minimum amount for a native unemployed person, for what could be an indefinite period?


That is your ideal solution is it? Perhaps 40 years down the line when they still can't go home you will be happy for them to still be here, living off next to nothing, contributing nothing to society and generally feeling worthless, when they could well have contributed massively to this countries prosperity. All so you can send them home? Pretty bloody twisted if you ask me.

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Im not sure how long it is to be honest, Im sure there ill be a limit in which we must then grant people permanent residence. Anyone know what it is ?


I know every so often they admit defeat and then let everyone stay, just to get the figures off the chart so they can start again and calm everyone down because it looks out of control.


But what if they're great people. Loved by their neighbours, community spirited and do work, say as a Support Worker. A worthwhile job, that's a great benefit to the country at large?


We need to concentrate on booting the dodgy ones out, and stopping them coming in. I don't think you can take a big brush and sweep everyone out. You have to be selective.


I prefer to stop them coming in the first place. I personally wouldn't have the heart to kick someone out after they'd been here years. Unless they were the dodgy type...

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dont you get the feeling its a vicious circle and one we seem to have to put up with :loopy:

Let me throw something else into the equation we as part of NATO we were bombing pro Gadaffi installations to protect civilians who were pro the rebels.

Now if the side we were against feel threatened do we grant them asylum ?

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