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Can asylum be revoked once the threat has been removed ?

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So I assume you would happily deport families plus their children and grandchildren who fled Libya forty years ago when Gaddafi took power? If I was a grand father who fled Libya forty years ago I suspect that having spent forty years living and intigrating into the UK I might not be all that interested in returning to Libya. I assume by your warped standards that means I shouldn't have been granted asylum? Oh and your definitiion of 'asylum' is wrong I suggest you actually make an effort to learn something about asylum before sticking your penneth in. :roll:


I expect a patriot to return to thier land when it is freed. Fun as the UK is anyone who claims asylum here does so on a temporary basis so when it is freed then do your patriotic duty and return to build your motherland up.

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I expect a patriot to return to thier land when it is freed. Fun as the UK is anyone who claims asylum here does so on a temporary basis so when it is freed then do your patriotic duty and return to build your motherland up.


We could form two lines. Asylum parents to the left. British born children of those parents to the right.


You'd get a shiny new stick to wave about.

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Also let's not forget the BRITISH children born to these families, are we going to forcably deport UK citizens to foreign countries? or are we just going to 'snatch' these children away from their parents?


Prior to 1 January 1983 almost any child born in the UK automatically acquired British citizenship. Since then the rules have changed. A child born today in the UK will only have British citizenship if at least one of their parents is a British citizen or was living in the UK with permission to stay here permanently.



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We could form two lines. Asylum parents to the left. British born children of those parents to the right.


You'd get a shiny new stick to wave about.


There really only is one line. Patriots returning to their country and bogus asylum seekers...both going back to whence they came.

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There really only is one line. Patriots returning to their country and bogus asylum seekers...both going back to whence they came.


And how many generations do you want to go back? One? Two, Ten? Two words spring instantly to mind and the second is 'Heil!' Almost every single person living in this country, by your definition, is a 'bogus asylum seeker'.

After all almost everybody here migrated to the UK as an economic or political migrant and stayed. Whether Celt, Roman, Gael or whatever. So here's an idea why don't you go back to the country you 'originally' came from because according to you being British has nothing to dol with where you are born. Or are you advocating the forcible seperation of 'British' children from their parents? People with views like yours make me want to be violently ill. It is pathetic that attitudes like yours are tolerated in this day and age.

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Prior to 1 January 1983 almost any child born in the UK automatically acquired British citizenship. Since then the rules have changed. A child born today in the UK will only have British citizenship if at least one of their parents is a British citizen or was living in the UK with permission to stay here permanently.




And Asylum seekers are usually given unlimited leave to remain in the UK after two to five years making their children British citizens entitled to every protection afforded to English citizens. Not second class 'foreigners' as some 'fascists' would like.

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I expect a patriot to return to thier land when it is freed. Fun as the UK is anyone who claims asylum here does so on a temporary basis so when it is freed then do your patriotic duty and return to build your motherland up.


Suppose you have nothing to return to. Your old house gone, the land around it gone to ruin, no jobs.

You'd have to be stupid to leave what you've accumulated in your adopted country. I know I wouldn't

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The granting of asylum generally relies on the regime of your country wanting to kill you for political reasons. In that case you should certainly wish to return to the country when the regime you risked your life to oppose is removed.


If you don't wish to return to your country when the political situation changes then you should not have been granted asylum in the first place.


A desire to return is nothing to do with whether you had to leave to avoid being killed or tortured, which is the basic test.

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I expect a patriot to return to thier land when it is freed. Fun as the UK is anyone who claims asylum here does so on a temporary basis so when it is freed then do your patriotic duty and return to build your motherland up.


You can't just make it up to suit you. Asylum isn't granted on a temporary basis.

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Suppose you have nothing to return to. Your old house gone, the land around it gone to ruin, no jobs.

You'd have to be stupid to leave what you've accumulated in your adopted country. I know I wouldn't


Possibly not just the land gone to ruin, but probably gone to someone else.

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