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Did Your Mother Ever Embarrass You?

old tup

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As a young Tup I was my mothers pack horse when she went shopping up Hillsborough,we lived around a mile away at the bottom of Liversey St and in the 50s we had no car.I hated the chore not for the carrying of the shopping but for my mothers habit of spotting someone she knew multiple yards away on the other side of the street [yoouh! yoouh!]at the top of her voice,everyone would turn and look while she shouted all our business across Hillsborough Corner.I prayed for the ground to open ,she couldn,t care less everone seemed to know her.She went in every shop kallin and natterin it was a marathon of boredom and embarrassment to me as she told one and all our private business without a care in the world.Did your parents have this effect on you growing up as young kids?. :confused::help:

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LOL now that brings back a memory .I was in the sheaf market one day with my mom and she was starting to embarrass me ,so I calmly walked off trying to put some distance between us .When out of the humming of people talking I heard this voice ahhhhh come back and be my friend I fell about laughing as it turned out to be my mothers voice lololololol

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This wasn't as bad for me as it was for my brother, it was quite a regular occurance, you'd have thought he would wise up but no.


My brother used to hate having a wash in the morning, we had a bath before bed every night and he thought having a morning wash was just not justified. Now this is back in the early 60's and we would be about 7 and 8 and my mother would notice at the school gate as she took off his balacalava!! that he was a bit mucky looking so she would spit on her hanky and proceed to "wash" his face before she would let him go.

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