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Speed Camera's - Cash Cows.

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What it does though is mean that I can't legally drive at a perfectly safe 60 mph on several stretches of it. (not all stretches are safe at 60, or indeed 50).


But that's not the cameras or camera van's fault. Its all down to the idiot bikers and drivers who speed and / or crash.


Same with people who slam on their brakes at the sight of a camera, that's not the camera's fault.


And as long as they're doing the above, the limit will never be returned back to 60.

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I would call these infernal machine's Cash Cows, others call them Speed Cameras, meanwhile our Masters in the Government and the Coppers prefer the word "Safety" cameras.


Now here is the argument, if these Camera's are principaly for "safety" why not make them even more visible, stick a flashing yellow light on the top of them, make them standout so the motorist cannot argue he/she did not see them, then if you choose to speed past them, you deserve to be prosecuted.


The only problem here of course is that any one with a brain cell would slow down, but isn't that what the cameras are for anyway, to slow you down and not as revenue collectors. I don't think this idea would be taken up though, the Government needs the brass these things generate.






They don't need to be made any more visible. At the side of the road, a little before the camera, will be a warning sign that there may be a camera ahead. If a driver is unable to react to that, why would he react to a brighter camera?

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Mobile ones are an out right con, Especially the 2 coppers who take great delight in parking 2 M5's in the bus stop on Penistone road at 11pm on week nights with a mobile camera. (what a useful use of police resources).


If you get caught on a yellow one though, You fully bloody deserve it. If you can't see a big yellow camera or the sign before it how do you expect to see a child ready to run out?

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How about I just use the evidence of my own eyes.


The mobile speed camera on the straightest, safest portion of the A57 from the Ladybower towards Manchester. Mainly at weekends, and particularly if it's a nice sunny day.


Which of the bends with no verge to speak of would you park the van, then?

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Appropriate speed has been mentioned on various roads.


Surely that's not a suggestion that drivers can be trusted to set their own limits. The downright selfish driving seen on a daily basis is evidence enough to show this is unworkable.


Another point which seems to be repeatedly overlooked, is that not only drivers use roads. Particularly in rural areas, there are horse riders and road cyclists for example.


In a more urban area, Penistone Road has been mentioned. Some drivers may see it as an affront to their personal liberty to not be able to have a 40 mph limit on there. However, as I've said on a previous thread, the 30 mph limit means that the traffic has half a chance of doing 30-40 mph when it's going past me as I cycle along there.


Put the limit up to 40, and they'll be doing 40-50. Which is a big difference.




Hide the cameras.


Move them frequently.


To avoid the "scammeras" rubbish, how about removing the fine element totally? (Someone else had this idea before, can't remember who...)How about making the "creeping over" limit slightly more generous, but 4 points instead of 3 if you do get busted?

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Which of the bends with no verge to speak of would you park the van, then?


I think you might have missed my point. The fact that it's not possible to use the enforcement camera where the danger exists doesn't mean that it's acceptable to put it on a safe section which just happens to have a higher chance of them making money.

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I levelled the playing field. Shop a copper. A traffic cop on my road drives his Duccati with race cans and a doggy number plate. Not any more I dropped him in it, he now has a no. plate the size of small county and a very quiet exhaust. He know it was me as he has pulled me 3 times in 12 mths. no offence, just my witty banter winds him up. He is a real puppy I like to tease him.

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I levelled the playing field. Shop a copper. A traffic cop on my road drives his Duccati with race cans and a doggy number plate. Not any more I dropped him in it, he now has a no. plate the size of small county and a very quiet exhaust. He know it was me as he has pulled me 3 times in 12 mths. no offence, just my witty banter winds him up. He is a real puppy I like to tease him.


It'll be a few more than 3 times in the next 12 months.

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