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Come on you fatties get your money out

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On BBC. Radio Sheffield today ,Howard Pressman was iterviewing some one called,Carol Bowan Ball,[i think that was her name]

Now this lass who talked with a plum in her gob was telling Howi that the only way to slim was to forget all diets etc and pay the modest price of £12000 to have a tummy tuck.

She thought that any one who is a bit overweight should cough up the doe and get down to a private clinic and get it sorted.

So come on you pleasantly plumpy,s get down to Yorkshire Penny Bank tomorrow draw out the modest sum of £12000 and bingo you will be a Charles Hawtry lookalike by Sunday.


Do you mean the lass was well -spken and articulate?No wonder you opted to be offensive and mention that she had plums in her mouth;inverted snobbery is worse than the conventional form.

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On BBC. Radio Sheffield today ,Howard Pressman was iterviewing some one called,Carol Bowan Ball,[i think that was her name]

Now this lass who talked with a plum in her gob was telling Howi that the only way to slim was to forget all diets etc and pay the modest price of £12000 to have a tummy tuck.

She thought that any one who is a bit overweight should cough up the doe and get down to a private clinic and get it sorted.

So come on you pleasantly plumpy,s get down to Yorkshire Penny Bank tomorrow draw out the modest sum of £12000 and bingo you will be a Charles Hawtry lookalike by Sunday.


Are you sure it was a tummy tuck se was advocating and not a gastric band?

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Do you mean the lass was well -spken and articulate?No wonder you opted to be offensive and mention that she had plums in her mouth;inverted snobbery is worse than the conventional form.


Plus she may have had a double-barrelled surname :hihi:

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For many kids these days, getting out and taking part in a physical activity is alien in many cases.


You modern child has facebook to socialise with, has an x-box with all sorts of very realistic games, and with sky many kids in 2011 have hundreds of channels to watch on the TV – so in many cases an entire life can be carried out without leaving the home.


Contrast that with a child growing up in the 1980s/1970s or before, if you stayed in the house night after night you were in for a very dull existence. In the 1980s there was the spectrum, and early games console, TV was dull for a child after 5.30pm – unless you enjoyed watching Wogan at 7pm and many kids in those days did not have a TV in there own room. So in effect, you had to get out of the house in order to have any kind of life.


Of course, these kids will be the obese of the future.


If the government wants to get kids active again, it could go about greatly reducing the costs or child protection or other costs relating to setting up an activity?, for example why not make CRB checks free? Why not pay for the room rents or venue rents so that this would not cost the instructor a penny? The instructor could then pass on the reductions to the kids parents in the form of reduced training fees.


With the kids more active this would reduce obesity as the kids would be running around, and with the kids doing a constructive activity it would reduce the likelihood of the recent riots taking place again – the cost of which will probably will us all in the pocket in the form of increased insurance costs.


And finally, we need to rid ourselves of the destructive “compensation culture”. The mentality that you must sue someone if you fall over and get injured when taking part in a sporting activity, more adults would step forward to pass on their skills to the next generation if they felt that the kids parents wouldn’t take them to court because little johnny got kicked while playing football.


If we don’t do this, then I guess we will have to put up with the likes of Carol Bowan Ball telling us all to get tummy tucks, and of course we will all be clamouring to hit the obese with more taxes, and not forgetting what happens when you have a generation of bored kids with no direction in life and no structure to their lives.


Pay the venue fees for the instructor, pay the CRB checks and get rid of compensation and you are at least beginning to move in the right direction. The problem of getting the kids off facebook and the X-box could pose a more difficult problem.

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Typical on this Forum to allow the title and harsh comments to large people...If this was a race issue we'd have it closed along with id's banned.


My thoughts are cheap sugary foods at £1 for 10 chocolate bars, crisp, fizzy pop, etc should be removed from the end of isle's, and the price of healthier food such as chicken and blueberries which cost an arm and a leg be reduced if they're that bothered.

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what about charging blackberries? Do what I did spent hours like I did as a child had fun picking them then made everyone pies, jam and smoothies. Granted my freezer is a bit full of them now but gets kids out of the house and its a fun activity!

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