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How Israel takes its revenge on Palestinian children

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Don't throw stones then..


Stop the illegal Occupation.


...and besides, look at how Hamas treat palestinian kids by strapping bombs to them. What's your point?


So you're saying the IDF is no better ?


Is that it ?

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Don't throw stone then and besides, look at how Hamas treat palestinian kids by strapping bombs to them. What's your point?


The point is that that is no excuse whatsoever. What hamas do to palestinian children has nothing to do with how the IDF treats them. I find it rather despicable that you'd try and justify by mentioning that.

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So Occupying an entire civilian population is acceptable to you ?

What you or I 'accept' is irrelevant. Any foreign country is governed by its own legal system, not ours and certainly not the supposed 'international law'. As you do know, most nations occupy land conquered in battle; see almost everywhere. What's wrong with that?

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Maybe if factions of Hamas stopped lobbing rockets into Israel then peace might just possibly have a chance.


The fact that Hamas continue to carry out such aggressive tactics shows that Hamas care little of those who have to bear the consequence of their actions

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Maybe if factions of Hamas stopped lobbing rockets into Israel then peace might just possibly have a chance.


It's not that simple though, is it? Do you really think that if Hamas stopped firing rockets into Israel, the Israeli government would say: "Here you go, you can have your land back now" ?


The fact is, Israel is illegally occupying land that belongs to Palestinians, and until something is done about that, there's little incentive for Hamas or any other Palestinian group to stop firing rockets, and even less incentive for Israel not to launch yet another of her murderous rampages in the Gaza strip as part of their Middle-East landgrab.

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So Occupying an entire civilian population is acceptable to you ?


What you or I 'accept' is irrelevant. Any foreign country is governed by its own legal system, not ours and certainly not the supposed 'international law'. As you do know, most nations occupy land conquered in battle; see almost everywhere. What's wrong with that?


In other words, you don't see anything wrong in what Israel is doing to Palestinian children ?


Held without charge, separated from their parents in the middle of the night, beaten, starved of food and water, sleep deprivation...


Do you agree with the above ?

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