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Police shootings - Jean-Claude de Menezes

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All of which suggests that the two officers who fired might have been doing what they thought best, but the series of events that lead to an innocent mans death should have seen the prosecution of the superiors for gross incompetence. I wonder if corporate manslaughter could have fitted.


The thing about an unlawful killing verdict is that it doesn't mean he was murdered by anyone. That was done away with after Sandra rivett was held by a coroners jury to have murdered by Lord Lucan.


As I recall the passengers on the Herald of Free Enterprise were considered to have been unlawfully killed. In this case I'd suggest that perhaps the officers at the sharp end may or may not have been at fault - what is certain in my mind is that de Menezes was unlawfully killed by the Metropolitan Police as a corporate entity.

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The police were under cover so will not have had police written all over them but I agree with the point still you would be able to tell the difference. And If they was pointing a gun at you, I would probably stop especially somewhere like a tube station where you have no where to go


If someone pointed a weapon at me and I was close enough I'd clock them. Otherwise I'd not wait to be shot - I'd be moving - fast.

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The police were under cover so will not have had police written all over them but I agree with the point still you would be able to tell the difference. And If they was pointing a gun at you, I would probably stop especially somewhere like a tube station where you have no where to go


Or not follow a suspected bomber into a tube crowded with people.

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Well you would probably get shot for running, do you think you can outrun a bullet?


No but I know how inaccurate a pistol can be and hitting a moving target is a lot harder than hitting a stationary one. The first though you do if someone points a barrel at you is move off to the side, fast and unexpectedly.

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