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Why hasn't the EU been investigated?

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The investigating agency need not be 'bigger than the EU'; merely competent at audit procedures and fraud detection. And no, not a committee! In fact, a draft Bill on just this topic has been tabled in Parlliament but is unlikely to proceed. See the European Union (Audit of Benefits and Costs of UK Membership) Bill 2010-11: http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2010-11/europeanunionauditofbenefitsandcostsofukmembership.html

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I dont know if its true but i sure someone told me that each time the treaty was signed the politian got £1million, that was about the time gordon brown gave the uk away. and the way way he did it stunk, going in the back door after everyone else had gone. anyone know if its true?

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I dont know if its true but i sure someone told me that each time the treaty was signed the politian got £1million, that was about the time gordon brown gave the uk away. and the way way he did it stunk, going in the back door after everyone else had gone. anyone know if its true?


it probably isn't true, why give anyone anything especially if they are in favour anyway?


when did gordon brown give the uk away? i can't say that i've noticed anyone doing that

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The investigating agency need not be 'bigger than the EU'; merely competent at audit procedures and fraud detection. And no, not a committee!


you mean something like the existing EU Court of Auditors ?


In fact, a draft Bill on just this topic has been tabled in Parlliament but is unlikely to proceed. See the European Union (Audit of Benefits and Costs of UK Membership) Bill 2010-11: http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2010-11/europeanunionauditofbenefitsandcostsofukmembership.html


50% of our trade is with the EU that seems to me to be a pretty big benefit

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There is so much wrong with the EU I don't know where to start.


It has been proved to be a hotbed of corruption and waste, so if we (and other European countries) are so desparate to save money, why do we continue to pour it into this bottomless pit without demanding it puts its house in order first?


And when are we going to get the promised referendum?


Has it been proved?


The leader of your group in society e.g. John Redwood failed in 1995, his successors have not done much better. Time to give up the ghost.

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the government should have a refferendum with two questions omly should we stay in or come out. and which ever gets the most votes then that should be the devinative answer.


and lets get the country as we want it to run, not by europe or the USA . we would have our own imergration laws with out some frenchman, german, italian, portugese. greak or anyone else who thinks they know how and were to spend our money stece

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you mean something like the existing EU Court of Auditors ?

Not good example. EU's accounts have not received a clear audit in living memory.

No, I meant an independent body in the UK, reporting to the UK Parliament for the information of the UK's population.




50% of our trade is with the EU that seems to me to be a pretty big benefit

I like that 'seems'! The appearance is irrelevant. What people want are independently verified facts.

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Not good example. EU's accounts have not received a clear audit in living memory.

No, I meant an independent body in the UK, reporting to the UK Parliament for the information of the UK's population.


if you read the link which i posted earlier, it explains what the eu court of auditors does, that the criteria for fully certifying an audit is far higher than that of a corporation and why it's almost impossible for the accounts ever to be fully certified.


I like that 'seems'! The appearance is irrelevant. What people want are independently verified facts.


there was a program on radio 4 last night, which gave the trade figures as over 50% of our exports and imports.




about 9 minutes 30 seconds in.

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At least HM Government should be compelled to obtain an independent Cost/Benefit analysis of EU membership. The Electorate would then have access to the facts that you seek, as source material informing their Referendum voting.


Yeah, like you can trust any 'statistics' the Government(s) come up with. Unemployment? Education? Crime? Immigration?


And that's why a referendum would be pointless. 'They' would spend massive amounts of our money on propaganda 'proving' how much worse off we'd be out of The Fourth Reich (a.k.a. EU).


Remember how they justified wasting billions on Ireland? They suddenly became 'one of our biggest export markets.' Since when?

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