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Why hasn't the EU been investigated?

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Yes. I'd envisage that the persons/body would not be beholden to (or paid by) either HM Government or the EU; nor members (past or present) of any political party or pressure group.


it's not that simple though, things like the amount of trade are easy of obtain and probably every one could agree as to how it was calculated.


but when you start looking at things like the benefits of being part of the single market, how much trade we would lose by not being part of it then i'm guessing you could get many different answers by selecting different ways of calculating the figures and the one you select relates to your prejudices.

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Referendum's, while getting a taste of public opinion, are not always helpful when making important decisions.


If a referendum was held today with the question "Should we scrap all taxes and make contributions voluntary?", you can guarantee "Yes" would win, but within 3 months the country would have fallen apart.


Another example is "Should Police be allowed to shoot rioters on sight?". Three weeks ago it would have been a resounding "No". Two weeks ago, a defintive "Yes".


To make an informed decision about whether to stay in the EU, everyone voting needs to be in possesion of all the facts, and leave their preconceptions behind. Judging by the last referendum, all it would take for the "No" argument to win would be Clegg to put his name behind the Yes campaign...


We can't just hold referendums willy nilly on anything and everything of course, but our continued membership of the EU, with the transfering of powers from Westminster to Brussels/Strasbourg whith each passing treaty, demands a referendum, and its scandalous that we are consistantly denied one.

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There is so much wrong with the EU I don't know where to start.


It has been proved to be a hotbed of corruption and waste, so if we (and other European countries) are so desparate to save money, why do we continue to pour it into this bottomless pit without demanding it puts its house in order first?


And when are we going to get the promised referendum?


We all know that what you say is true, but none of us can do anything about it so why get worked up? Turkeys don't vote for Christmas.

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