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Hurricane season - a sign that god is angry ?

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God must look down on his subjects with dismay. His subjects are having sex, drinking alcohol, taking resources (ie, oil etc....) and are fueling the capitalist system.


His subjects are at war with each other, they kill each other and destroy each others surroundings. Humans are cruel to other creatures and have caused the extinction of some animals.


Is the hurricane season a sign god is seriously hacked off? it seems strange that New York is being hit by a hurricane as that is a major financial area - will London be next for a sign from god, that he is hacked off?


I disagree. God must love New York as it is hit by hurricanes so little, I can only conclude that God is protecting New York. It would explain all the INY T-shirts you see everywhere.

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possibly, but she's a nutter so does her word mean anything?


My remark was made in humourous vein. She later made light of the remark but it does leave pause for thought about these kind of people. There's always a bible quote to hand in many of their speeches yet they would be happy to see such programs as Social Security and Medicare disappear. Programs which sustain millions of the elderly retired and the sick.


Obviously Christian charity and kindness have no place when it comes to politics with the likes of her and the Tea Party.


Not only nutters but hypocrites of the worst kind

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