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National Squatting movement takes over empty housing!

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You derive rent from another. Your earnings are immoral.


Just because I sell a service doesn't make it immoral. By that extension anyone selling a service that everyone needs - like say a grocer, or a pharmacist, is living off immoral earnings. Is Granville the grocer earning immorally? Is the man at the local Vantage chemist doing so? What about someone selling clothing at the market?


You might want to also choose your words more carefully. Living off immoral earnings is a crime. Think wisely before you falsely accuse or imply someone is committing a crime.


People are paying over 50% of their income in rent to the likes of you.


Then they should find somewhere less exensive to live because that's foolish. My tenants are not paying anywhere near that price, but nice one with the insinuations.


These people are our citizens, our future, and your trying to get rich off the back of their labour, pushing them into poverty, trapping them in poor housing, so you yourself can profit.


Sorry but what labour? They are not working for me - they work for their employers. I'm making a modest amount off of the risk I took one when I purchased two properties and spent *my* money making them fit for habitation. Otherwise, that would be two properties that would not be used at all for habitation.


Why can't you try and earn money in a more noble way, like hard work?


What makes you think I don't?


Investing in busines/job creation/productive labour to better all of humanity?


Like the business I founded and now run that employs a good dozen or more people? Ooops - kinda just blew your righteous indigation out the water didn;t it sunshine. What have *you* done then? What are you doing to house people - apart from whine and pule and insult and berate and libel others?






The system is CURRENTLY gamed in your favour.


You get tax relief (on mortgage interest, repairs, council tax discounts etc. etc.), a person buying their own home does not, a person renting does not, they must pay for their housing out of income they earn through labour, income which is taxed quite heavily.


Guess what - I have to pay my own rental income as well mate. Or did you just think I got given a buisness unit to set up shop in by the old boys club. Actually you probably do it's the twisted way peoples minds work these days.


You drive up the cost of housing and oppose affordable housing for the poor as it is against your financial interest. You deprive others of having an affordable place to live, of home-ownership.


You say that with no idea of what places I own and rent, without knowing the prices of them. Do you abuse and insult everyone you encounter in this fashion in real life as well?


For your information, I have place two items of housing stock into the market. That *creates* housing, that *makes* housing available, that permits people to live where they want to.


How is that depriving people of an affordable place to live? (Rental prices on the units is actually less than the market average for them BTW...)


The rights of a person to have their own home vastly exceed the rights of you to exploit others through multiple property ownership.


You will need to back your position up with an argument rather than just spouting an unsupported position.


You may say its your pension? But what of your tenants?


What of them? If they were not happy I'm certain they would move. They are clearly happy here having renewed the tenancy a few times now.


You are exploiting your tenants for financial gain, your earnings are immoral.


Be very careful - that keyboard you hide behind is not as anonymous as you may think.


Exploitation "exploitation involves a persistent social relationship in which certain persons are being mistreated or unfairly used for the benefit of others"


It's not persistent - they can move. They are not being mistreated - they are getting accomodation at LESS THAN THE MARKET average price. They are not being USED - if anything they are USING my property. If they want to buy a similar place the mortgage would be more than the rent.


Care to reconsider? Or shall I just expect more vitriol and abuse?


Even worse, the government has gamed the system in your favour. I dislike them more than I do you. Maybe you got into B2L with good intentions, but surely you know your exploiting others. That's wrong.


I'm amazed you can read my mind. You are totally incorrect in my intentions btw.


If you built property to let, it would be a different story, but no. In a land where there is not enough housing to go around, you seek to snap it up and exploit the poor. You are an enemy of the people.


You really do have issues don't you.


I bought a pair of houses that had been gutted - as in no roofs, floors, just the shell. I then built these backup into units.


For that I'm the scum of the earth?


So what have you done then to help? Well? Anything?


Thought not.

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You derive rent from another. Your earnings are immoral. Immoral??. Its business. Landlords provide you with a roof over your head. You pay for it. How do you think it happens moron. Does the magic property fairy wave a magic wand and provide you with a free house?


People are paying over 50% of their income in rent to the likes of you. These people are our citizens, our future, and your trying to get rich off the back of their labour, pushing them into poverty, trapping them in poor housing, so you yourself can profit.


Anyone paying 50% of their income is living beyond their means and needs to move out into something cheaper. There are plenty of reasonable private rental properties out there. Our citizens? our future? their labour? what are you talking about. Have you actually switched on your brain before you spout such tripe. People who want to live in a private rental have to pay for it. They are not trapped in poor housing. If they want to live in a nice privately rented one they need to get a job and work for it. If you cant be bothered then tough you live in a council one. Seriously get a grip. Money doesn't grow on trees.


Why can't you try and earn money in a more noble way, like hard work? Investing in busines/job creation/productive labour to better all of humanity?


Noble way? You mean like having a job that has enabled you to buy a property and then renovate it, pay the agent fees to put it on the rental market, pay the costs of ongoing maintainence and statutory repairs, pay the cost of advertising for tenants. Investing in business i.e. the builders/contractors and renovators, the rental and estate agents or if you have more than one the staff and labour needed to run the administration of your property portfolio.


Or sit on your backside, dont work and just wait for the council to provide you with a free home. Hmmmm yes very NOBLE :loopy:


The system is CURRENTLY gamed in your favour.


How exactly? Me buying a B2L property is no different to buying a house any other way. Who is in whose favour exactly?


You get tax relief (on mortgage interest, repairs, council tax discounts etc. etc.), a person buying their own home does not, a person renting does not, they must pay for their housing out of income they earn through labour, income which is taxed quite heavily.


Tax relief? In what way. Council tax is usually paid for by the tenant who lives in the property so just who gets a tax relief?? Mortgage interest is tax deductable is it - blimey, that's news to me. I wish I knew that earlier when I was self employed and owned my house.


Have you actually stopped to think that most landlords are paying double mortgage, double bills, double maintainance costs plus whatever other agent and ongoing fees are required. Since they have to live somewhere themselves.


Oh by the way, dont you think that landlords have to pay all this "out of their income" just like everybody else. Really what is your point? :loopy:


You drive up the cost of housing and oppose affordable housing for the poor as it is against your financial interest. You deprive others of having an affordable place to live, of home-ownership.


Errm, no. Cost of housing is driven by supply and demand. Nothing to do with landlords. If people arn't buying or renting then the price goes down. You have to adjust your prices to suit the market. I asked before when was the last time the council rents were reduced when the market was slack???


People should only ever pay what they can afford. Nobody is deprived of anything. It is not a right to own a home. Its a luxury that you have when you can afford it. You EARN a right to a house. You dont get given them.


The rights of a person to have their own home vastly exceed the rights of you to exploit others through multiple property ownership.


Exploit others? Oh you mean by providing more housing that you claim is so desprately needed.


You may say its your pension? But what of your tenants?

You are exploiting your tenants for financial gain, your earnings are immoral.


What about tenants? They are customers who are paying for the service and goods landlords provide. Nobody is being exploited. Do Sainsburys exploit you by charging you more for all that food that they so clearly get at a bulk discount. :loopy:


Even worse, the government has gamed the system in your favour. I dislike them more than I do you. Maybe you got into B2L with good intentions, but surely you know your exploiting others. That's wrong.


Not wrong at all. These properties have been bought by someone. Bought by their money. Money that they earned. They own it. They can do what they like with it.


If you owned a car and decided to buy another one for your household - would it be fair for the government to come along and ban you from using it - instead insisting that you let a low income earner have a right to use it for a nominal price? How about if you own two televisions - after all its not fair that someone on a low income cant afford their own widescreen :loopy:


If you built property to let, it would be a different story, but no. In a land where there is not enough housing to go around, you seek to snap it up and exploit the poor. You are an enemy of the people.


Who says there is not enough housing to go around? I dont recall the streets being clutted up with millions of genuine homeless. There are still plenty of estates and apartment blocks being built.


We are not a refugee camp for god sake. Really get a grip. Is it purely the fact that these new homes are not state funded and low rental houses that you object to so strongly and mostly so desprately?


Well, tough. IMO the state should only be responsible for housing those with a genuine need. Disabled, elderly, genuine homeless, very low income etc. Why should my tax be used to fund a house for some lazy a*se and their collection of sprogs just because they find the council house option too easy.


The respite for elderly and disabled adults has been savaged over recent years. People who genuinely dont have a choice about how, who with and where they live. I would rather we spent less on council houses accommodating the lazy and jobless and concentrate on more respite care and supported living accommodation.

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As an aside, I've never really understood the desire that means everyone *must* own a house. For a lot of the people I know they actively don't want one - they prefer the flexibility of renting and the ability to up sticks and move if they wish.

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Contributing to this thread and I do NOT agree that everyone has the right to a home, let me explain.


I bought my home in the mid 1990s at a time when a single wage generally paid for a home and put food on the table, I purchased my home for £39,000 and it is now worth £147.000 15 years later.


NOw I have my home and thats great.


What do I think of young working people who have to purchase a SINGLE ROOM within a Shared house?


Well, let me have a think about that one......let me just go to my private fridge, take out a beer and return to my private living room (where only my family are living). Let me just put on the TV that I or my family want to watch....er....


Well, people do not have a god given right to a home, let me make the point that I saved up a depsosit of £3000 to put down on my home, that was around about 8% of the homes value back in 1996.


So by that benchmark, young people should put down 8% of £150,000 and for that they only need to save around £14,000. If they got rid of there cars, stopped having holidays, walked to work, stopped having social lives, stopped buying new clothes then they could save up a deposit (and thats on the basis they are earning around £45,000 per annum after tax).


So young people in your shared rooms, what does a member of the older generation think? (I'm in my 30s). Well, as the saying goes "I'm alright Jack"

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Contributing to this thread and I do NOT agree that everyone has the right to a home, let me explain.


I bought my home in the mid 1990s at a time when a single wage generally paid for a home and put food on the table, I purchased my home for £39,000 and it is now worth £147.000 15 years later.


NOw I have my home and thats great.


What do I think of young working people who have to purchase a SINGLE ROOM within a Shared house?


Well, let me have a think about that one......let me just go to my private fridge, take out a beer and return to my private living room (where only my family are living). Let me just put on the TV that I or my family want to watch....er....


Well, people do not have a god given right to a home, let me make the point that I saved up a depsosit of £3000 to put down on my home, that was around about 8% of the homes value back in 1996.


So by that benchmark, young people should put down 8% of £150,000 and for that they only need to save around £14,000. If they got rid of there cars, stopped having holidays, walked to work, stopped having social lives, stopped buying new clothes then they could save up a deposit (and thats on the basis they are earning around £45,000 per annum after tax).


So young people in your shared rooms, what does a member of the older generation think? (I'm in my 30s). Well, as the saying goes "I'm alright Jack"

What was your job, what was your wage then, what is your wage now?


How high were interest rates? Did they allow you to save a deposit quicker than they would now?


You think your house is worth £150k, try selling it for that ;)

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Care to answer the points I raised Chemist?


Or are you content with seagull debating?


No because that would involve having to use another brain cell!


Landlords have owned and rented property in the UK for hundreds of years, it has never and will never be any different, the problem with the OP seems to be wildly throwing accusations about landlords and people who rent from the private sector.


There seems to be this view that the state should provide everything for everyone when in reality that can never and should never happen.

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