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The American Dream - Is it Over?

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If you follow the stock exchange it's been on something of a roller coaster ride over the last few weeks.

The Dow has plunged as much as 500 points in one day then shot up 300 the next. Aside over the dismal and disappointing statistics on job growth, manufacturing and consumer spending much of it has been caused by concerns over the EU's handling of the debt crisis in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and lately Italy.


The recent "crisis" over raising the US debt ceiling which caused a lot of jitters throughout the world was largely a manufactured one caused by partisan politics particularly those of the Tea Party. The debt ceiling has been raised many times over the last 50 years but the right wing Tea Party nutters just wanted to play a little hardball and political brinkmanship before voting to raise it


Sounds like you love to watch Fox. Wall street is full of fear at the moment all it takes is some big event to go off in America i.e Huge hurricane damage (Irene seems to have been gentle but there still could be a stoop on the DOW in the morning, mark my words) or a terrorist attack which 2011 is the most likely time to strike (specially after what has happened in the middle east this year)

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I don't agree with 99% of what comes out of the American Government's gob, but I respect their right to say it, and I'd like to visit their Country if/when I win enough money on the Lottery to afford the air fare both ways plus a Hotel for a week, and decent tickets to Wrestlemania.

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I don't agree with 99% of what comes out of the American Government's gob, but I respect their right to say it, and I'd like to visit their Country if/when I win enough money on the Lottery to afford the air fare both ways plus a Hotel for a week, and decent tickets to Wrestlemania.


Dare i ask you what NWO mean to you then Rich?

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Dare i ask you what NWO mean to you then Rich?


New World Order. Originally formed by Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash in WCW in the late 90s.


Wikipedia and Youtube are your friends.

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New World Order. Originally formed by Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash in WCW in the late 90s.


Wikipedia and Youtube are your friends.


Oh so when Bush snr. mentions the New World Order speech in 1991 he was expressing his passion for wrestling was he?


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What 'system' does China use ?


I have no idea but it lends money to the USA.


China has a potential problem approaching a social catatophe looming in the next two decades. A huge aging population and a much smaller younger population who will have to bear the cost of supporting them.


China like Japan can only base it's prosperity on exporting goods to the rest of the world. If the market economies take a dump so does China


Interesting. The stuff you posted about the condos beng knocked down or growing weeds is scandalous. China is providing the goods that our consumer-driven society has demanded. If we don't find an alternative way of living with what we need, rather than what we desire, the planet is in big trouble.


I really think we are on the cusp. Oil will never be cheap again and taking what we need from the Third World is no longer an option. I really don't know what the future holds but Multi-National Conglomerates are no longer the solution.

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Did Britain ever have a dream? Not in the 25 odd years I lived there. Doesn't seem to be much of a Dreamland today either. Racial tension, unemployment, rioting and looting, a sputtering economy and a younger generation who appear to be largely composed of drunken chavs


Of couse I'm not surprised that yet another thread of this sort has appeared.

Look who the OP is :hihi: :hihi:


Mister "wind up troll" must have been sitting at his keyboard thinking this one up for the last week :hihi: :hihi:


Funny that describes America to 'T' as well. Well it does if you take off your rose tinted specs.

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I have no idea but it lends money to the USA.




Interesting. The stuff you posted about the condos beng knocked down or growing weeds is scandalous. China is providing the goods that our consumer-driven society has demanded. If we don't find an alternative way of living with what we need, rather than what we desire, the planet is in big trouble.


I really think we are on the cusp. Oil will never be cheap again and taking what we need from the Third World is no longer an option. I really don't know what the future holds but Multi-National Conglomerates are no longer the solution.



So eliminate millions of Chinese jobs and what do you have? The biggest time bomb in history waiting to go off. That's what!


A country of 1.5 billion people needs to be kept in jobs and needs to be brought to an acceptable level in decent living standards otherwise somewhere down the line those millions will put on uniforms and start pouring across your borders.


Every Chinese product I buy whether it's a cheap string of Christmas lights or a home entertainment system keeps someone in China in a job.


It's not all one sdied either. China is a big market for Euro, Japanese and American products.

There are BMWs, Volkswagens, Mercedes-Benz, Buicks, Toyotas and Hondas everywhere in the streets of Beijing and Shanghai


Just about all of the Air China and the domestic Chinese passenger jets are either Boeing or Airbus. Big ticket exports from us to them

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Sounds like you love to watch Fox. Wall street is full of fear at the moment all it takes is some big event to go off in America i.e Huge hurricane damage (Irene seems to have been gentle but there still could be a stoop on the DOW in the morning, mark my words) or a terrorist attack which 2011 is the most likely time to strike (specially after what has happened in the middle east this year)



Why does everyone say that :huh::loopy: I'm a dyed in the wool Democrat.


When it's a choice of talk show hosts and political opinions I follow Chris Mathews, Ed Schultz and Rachel Maddow on MSNBC Live.


If you've never heard of these people look em up on the Net.

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