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The 1981 riots


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Iknow people like to think is not a race riot but seems all the face's i saw on last nights news (re London) was of some different shade,miners strike and such had a good reason and not to burn and loot which is definate not the English way ,the signs was all there 45 yrs ago why we got out when the going was right

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  • 9 years later...
12 hours ago, Michael jeff said:

Actually there was a riot in pinstone street sheffield when a police officer was stabbed pc penfold I think ,

And I was wrongly jailed for 4 months for it and then aquitted!

Hi Michael and well done on being aquitted, that must have been one hell of a terrible experience for you !

Having been involved and still am in seeking justice for a pal wrongly aquitted, I am aware of all the heartache such situations bring.

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