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How can I set up an 'anonymous' address to use when writing to pen-friends?

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Oh, so you want to blackmail someone?

"Blackmail" is a dirty word; use "fishpaste" instead.

[iSIRTA: see http://laughterlog.com/2009/02/18/im-sorry-ill-read-that-again/]

Also see http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BlackmailIsSuchAnUglyWord and click on 'radio' for this source:

A spoof of this trope, from the British radio series I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again:

John: So... it's blackmail, is it?

Graeme: Please. Blackmail is such an ugly word.

John: All right. How about fishpaste?

Graeme: Much better.

John: So... it's fishpaste, is it?

Graeme: I'm afraid so

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