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9 out of 10 jobs go to foreign born workers

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I believe my last thread showed the reasons foreign workers are getting the jobs.

The dole is way too high and would be better limited or stopped.

That would get the beer swilling dole monkeys into real jobs not the fiddle jobs that are so common for the dole scroungers.

The number I've seen on the dole or DLA who have side jobs is unreal.

They can't find work or are incapable by way of disability but are able to work.

I know a martial arts instructor who turned up to train with his disabled badge in his car window and knew men who were unfit for work but could hand dig their allotments.

I saw loads of people I knew were dole scroungers but were working and bragging about how they were beating the system by milking every penny they could from it.


Foreign workers are coming over to fill the gap left by the lazy section in British society but are then accused of "taking our jobs".

Newsflash, Idiots.

They wouldn't be here if you weren't scrounging cretins.

I know quite a few Asians who work and claim mobility also theres a noticeable rise in the Eastern European community of people with walking sticks ...and your point is

Indonesia have a good benefits system then ?

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I believe my last thread showed the reasons foreign workers are getting the jobs.

The dole is way too high and would be better limited or stopped.

That would get the beer swilling dole monkeys into real jobs not the fiddle jobs that are so common for the dole scroungers.

The number I've seen on the dole or DLA who have side jobs is unreal.

They can't find work or are incapable by way of disability but are able to work.

I know a martial arts instructor who turned up to train with his disabled badge in his car window and knew men who were unfit for work but could hand dig their allotments.

I saw loads of people I knew were dole scroungers but were working and bragging about how they were beating the system by milking every penny they could from it.


Foreign workers are coming over to fill the gap left by the lazy section in British society but are then accused of "taking our jobs".

Newsflash, Idiots.

They wouldn't be here if you weren't scrounging cretins.


There are some lazy foreigners too ! Some lazy foreigners know how to play our 'soft' system as well as the lazy Brits !

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I believe my last thread showed the reasons foreign workers are getting the jobs.

The dole is way too high and would be better limited or stopped.

That would get the beer swilling dole monkeys into real jobs not the fiddle jobs that are so common for the dole scroungers.

The number I've seen on the dole or DLA who have side jobs is unreal.

They can't find work or are incapable by way of disability but are able to work.

I know a martial arts instructor who turned up to train with his disabled badge in his car window and knew men who were unfit for work but could hand dig their allotments.

I saw loads of people I knew were dole scroungers but were working and bragging about how they were beating the system by milking every penny they could from it.


Foreign workers are coming over to fill the gap left by the lazy section in British society but are then accused of "taking our jobs".

Newsflash, Idiots.

They wouldn't be here if you weren't scrounging cretins.

Youve been out of the country too long you're beginning to believe the hype put out by people with no idea ,I think you will find the job seekers allowanc ,we stopped using the word dole years ago,is a paltry £60 per week for a single person some people spend more on a single meal than that,its not the poor thats at fault its the fat cats with their obscene "earnings" that are the problem ,the trouble is the poor are easy targets for the brainwashed cretins such as yourself,If I were you I would concentrate on your own country's many poverty problems and leave this country's matters to those who really care

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we stopped using the word dole years ago,is a paltry £60 per week for a single person some people spend more on a single meal than that,its not the poor thats at fault its the fat cats with their obscene "earnings" that are the problem ,the trouble is the poor are easy targets for the brainwashed cretins such as yourself,If I were you I would concentrate on your own country's many poverty problems and leave this country's matters to those who really care


The word may have changed but the lazy, beer swilling dole monkeys are the same.

I was a 'fat(ish) cat in the UK and I'm an obese cat out here.

I earn in a week what many people earn in a year. It's not my fault there are lazy pigs out there who can't be bothered to get off their fat arses and do an honest day's work.

I've mentioned before my own experience as a dole scrounger. Three days at a time because I did something about the problem instead of sat around moaning about it on forums.

Indonesia has no benefit system worth a mention and, of course, there are people who are in genuine need of help but the rest get up and do something rather than wait for their giro so they can go down the pub.

You only object to the truth because it spoils your racist propaganda about foreigners taking British jobs.

Pathetic fail.

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I can assure you that the word "dole" is still often used. Nobody refers to it as "JSA".


The problem is that state handouts have put people in a comfortable rut. If their bills are paid and they have enough for fags and Sky they're happy. The feeling of bettering ones self for the sake of it rather than the money is a dying art.

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The word may have changed but the lazy, beer swilling dole monkeys are the same.

I was a 'fat(ish) cat in the UK and I'm an obese cat out here.

I earn in a week what many people earn in a year. It's not my fault there are lazy pigs out there who can't be bothered to get off their fat arses and do an honest day's work.

I've mentioned before my own experience as a dole scrounger. Three days at a time because I did something about the problem instead of sat around moaning about it on forums.

Indonesia has no benefit system worth a mention and, of course, there are people who are in genuine need of help but the rest get up and do something rather than wait for their giro so they can go down the pub.

You only object to the truth because it spoils your racist propaganda about foreigners taking British jobs.

Pathetic fail.


You spend quite a lot of time moaning on this forum for someone who works so hard, ya bloody 'generalising' big head :D

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that's sooo wrong


there's plenty of jobs going all around Sheffield and the country, UK people won’t take the jobs, that's the problem, my wife works in recruitment. trust me there’s plenty. if you want a job that bad you can get a job. people won’t take lower paid jobs, that British mentality for you!


I agree with you here, a lot of unemployed British people seemingly don't want to work low-paid and unskilled jobs. However, there are some ridiculous situations where foreign workers are employed that a British person could and would want to do. I've been served in pubs down south by people who don't speak English, and I've certainly called many a call center and had trouble speaking with the person on the other end.

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First of all thats not true.

UK Law dictates the following:

UK citizens have FIRST priority offer on all UK based work, UNLESS someone from the EU is more qualified (and they do have to prove this) and if not, non-EU workers can be accepted. And, yes just because this is law, a lot of business dont abide by it...


The governments crack down is working. They are only allowing (again non-EU) for those who earn £34K and above to be eligible to be here on a work sponsored visa (which basically says, thats the minimum to be able to support yourself and/or a family in the UK) OR go through the Marriage route and the costs of thousands of pounds and years of paperwork. For example, naturalisation costs £839 to process.


Also, non-EU workers are not entitled to JSA, child credits, housing, etc. The only thing all residents are automatically qualified for is the NHS. All the so-called 'perks' are not eligible until you're either a citizen and/or been here for at least 3 years.


The problem is the UK doesnt want EU citizens in. If you just say that, it only makes you slightly less xenophobic.


Also, as someone who does speak English and worked in call centres, I still asked people to spell their names phonetically as everyone spells their name differently and saves 10 minutes of searching in the system for the correct YOU. It might be slightly annoying, but not as annoying as keeping you on a line trying to weed through the correct details.

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