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9 out of 10 jobs go to foreign born workers

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The word may have changed but the lazy, beer swilling dole monkeys are the same.

I was a 'fat(ish) cat in the UK and I'm an obese cat out here.

I earn in a week what many people earn in a year. It's not my fault there are lazy pigs out there who can't be bothered to get off their fat arses and do an honest day's work.

I've mentioned before my own experience as a dole scrounger. Three days at a time because I did something about the problem instead of sat around moaning about it on forums.

Indonesia has no benefit system worth a mention and, of course, there are people who are in genuine need of help but the rest get up and do something rather than wait for their giro so they can go down the pub.

You only object to the truth because it spoils your racist propaganda about foreigners taking British jobs.

Pathetic fail.

Whoops I think you'll find I haven't stated any objections re this topic..

You accuse me of hatred but you ought to take a long look at your posts you emanate a distinct racist attitude,the best of it is its against your own.Islam brainwashing perhaps ? the technique is well documented after all.

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Whoops I think you'll find I haven't stated any objections re this topic..

You accuse me of hatred but you ought to take a long look at your posts you emanate a distinct racist attitude,the best of it is its against your own.Islam brainwashing perhaps ? the technique is well documented after all.


OMG - I'm a racist! - or not.


Why do racists use "Racist" as an insult? It strikes me as the ultimate stupidity.

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The word may have changed but the lazy, beer swilling dole monkeys are the same.

I was a 'fat(ish) cat in the UK and I'm an obese cat out here.

I earn in a week what many people earn in a year. It's not my fault there are lazy pigs out there who can't be bothered to get off their fat arses and do an honest day's work.

I've mentioned before my own experience as a dole scrounger. Three days at a time because I did something about the problem instead of sat around moaning about it on forums.

Indonesia has no benefit system worth a mention and, of course, there are people who are in genuine need of help but the rest get up and do something rather than wait for their giro so they can go down the pub.

You only object to the truth because it spoils your racist propaganda about foreigners taking British jobs.

Pathetic fail.



what do you do for a living?:suspect:

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First of all thats not true.

UK Law dictates the following:

UK citizens have FIRST priority offer on all UK based work, UNLESS someone from the EU is more qualified (and they do have to prove this) and if not, non-EU workers can be accepted. And, yes just because this is law, a lot of business dont abide by it...


Also, non-EU workers are not entitled to JSA, child credits, housing, etc. The only thing all residents are automatically qualified for is the NHS. All the so-called 'perks' are not eligible until you're either a citizen and/or been here for at least 3 years.


The problem is the UK doesnt want EU citizens in. If you just say that, it only makes you slightly less xenophobic.


You're wrong on a few points there. EU law overrides UK law (and the laws of all member states). The EU is a single market and you are not allowed to discriminate. In fact a lot of employers here prefer foreign workers to British workers for various reasons.


Non-EU workers do get benefits. Someone I know from Pakistan recently got indefinite leave to remain in and enter the UK and gets JSA, Housing Benefit, Council Tax, Tax Credits, Child Benefit, etc. He doesn't have an EU or British passport but gets benefits.


As for your last point the number of Poles in particular that have arrived since 2004 should be enough to tell you that that's an absurd comment.

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You say 9 out of 10 jobs go to foreign workers, have you seen the state of our home grown people who have no intention of going to work, their benefits pay more and they dont have to get out of bed.

Half of them are not capable of work due to drug, alcohol and being bone idol.


So before you make a statement, get your facts right and give your opinion not that of the Daily Mirror. Lets face it the media put story's out to sell papers.

Where I live without foreign workers the fields and the crops would not exist. The jobs were offered to local people first which was a 10% uptake.


Don't try and tell me that the local people in all area's are being forced out of work, because of migrant workers they will work, sadly the British youth are not bothered benefits allow them to stay in their bed


As well as being idol(IDLE!!!) many cannot spell simple words and punctuate.

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I know there are work shy scum out there but it has to be said that the 'doesn't pay to work' statement is overused.


Yes there are cases of breeding machines with 6 or more kids milking the system but the facts are this:


An 18 year old living at home no job gets £53.45 per week. Hardly an 'it doesn't pay to work' sum is it.


The use of the term tars everyone who claims JSA instead of tarring the real scratters who play the system.

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