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Forced to leave my job.

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This is the reason why strong unionisation of the workforce is essential still to this day.


The likes of unite, GMB, unison all get a bad rep when workers go on strike. But there is always a good reason, and the situation here is a prime example.

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Hi Mr moran


Sadly, the prob you experience is very common.


Often managers, or so-called long standing members of staff stand shoulder to shoulder. If it is a large office, you have packs of people that behave like wolves, they will undermine you at every opurtunity by slagging you off during their lunch time get togthers or other times when you are down laoded with work and they pretend to be doing so-called 'projects.' These 'projects' can be never ending and an excuse to take time off and so-called work from home. Usually this groupl has at least one if not 2 that are v good with thier gob or one with a good, loud gob that is supplied with bullets by the very csly leader. You may forgiver and forget but these low lives won't.


These gangs can often slag of their team manager no end and get new staff to hate the tm leader by their cunning approach. Yet the same gang will at time be only to ready to help out the tm leader on the side and make it look as though others are against them


Often these bullies are OPPORTUNISTS and will never miss a chance to undermine, humilate, and trat you like a kid at every chance. These little gits have no real home life and their lives revole around work, pst work friends and if they felt they have shown some one up publicly, they will chat and parise each other for days and via email and phone after work as well.


It is easily said that one must stand up to these packs of wolves, but easier said than done. they can even slag off publicly so-called friends at the lower end of their group as this group of bullies are shameless, hypocritical, very sly, bullies and would sell their family to make them look good at work.


finally, the leaders of bullies in the 25 plus age group are usually failed managers at so-called previous jobs and come in to you office and are usually very charismatic but once settled they slag of anyone and every one to get a foot hold and usually a tier below main manager, ie drive from the passenger seat.



Good luck for the future

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Did you report this person? Personnel should have spoken to them. It is against the law to act in this way, it is called 'bullying in the work place' MY boss ONCE tried it with me, but he got more than he bargained for, we had an 'understanding' after that. That said, I know he treats other members of staff in a bullying manner. He is to retire soon and won't be missed.


How does that work when the person who is being the bully owns the company outright?


This is someone who gathers all the employees into the conference room on a weekly basis to shout at the workforce for several hours and who prints out all outgoing correspondence with which he feels there is an error (as small as a missing comma) and throws them at the person who typed them, complete with a detailed explanation of why they as individuals are wastes of space (small example, there are loads of others).


With a situation like that you could theoretically take this person to a tribunal, but that takes time and a level of strength that you haven't got by the time you're leaving work in tears every day and stopping to be sick on the way to work in the morning, and even then it's not likely that the action will improve the situation at work, is it? On a daily basis you are faced with either living with it or not living with it, and if you can't live with it there's nobody to report to, you just have to walk away.


Suffice it to say that the employee who walked out of the job now has much better mental health than whilst going into that environment on a daily basis, and after investigation the benefits people have concluded that the loss of the job was actually a case of constructive dismissal and job seekers' allowance was paid from day 1 whilst another job was found.


MrMoran- I'm sure you feel the same as the person I mentioned, that being away from that situation and financially poor is infinitely better than having to put yourself into the situation every day and watching your mental health degenerate on a daily basis.


I hope you find another job which gives you a productive and rewarding challenge soon :)

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I loved my job. I was dedicated to being great at it and loved every minute of every day i was there. That was until my manager decided to talk to me like **** and generaly demorarilse me, humiliate and and belittle me constantly.

I could take no more, ended up on anti depressants and advised by my doctor to find another job or risk serious health problems,

So ive left and now my health is better, im happier and im not getting bullied any more.

I just pity the poor people left working for the horrible creature.

I just hope sopmeone has more gutts than me and reports her!!



Rant over.


I feel for you ... I was in a position where the Owner of the place was a total wally. Trouble is .. he owns the business .. what can ya do? lol


I did leave eventually .. and am glad I did, but he was a real bully. Not even allowing the guys in the warehouse who were packing landrover spares, a radio to listen to. They weren't allowed to talk to one another and he thought tea breaks were for the worthless british.


I was off for a week with labyrinthitus, which effects your balance ... when I got back, he was that cross that I'd had time off that he had boarded up my window with pallets, so I couldnt see out.


Laughable really.


Glad you're out of it!


ps. My doctor told me to find another job too ...

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Thanks you lot.

One thing i now know from reading this is its not just me.

Thanfully i more or less walked into anther job so it wont have a financial impact on my life but it sure as hell wasnt a nice thing to experience. Reminded me of being back at school when i used to think to myself, i cant wait to be an adult so ill never get bullied again,,,.

How wrong was i?!

One thing im considering though is to file a grievance before i leave explaining that i didnt want to go but felt i had no choice. You see i just hate the thought of leaving my mates at work to put up with what i had to endure.

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Really? Always?


So there might be the odd union leader that's just in it for the money and fame. But on the whole, the union movement is there to help the common working person.


Making sure they can make a fair wage for the job they do. Ensure that bullying and harassment from managers or colleagues gets sorted out.

To keep companies in line that only seem to think about making a profit, not the welfare of their staff.

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Glad you feel better after quitting MrMoran. I had a slightly similar situation when I too was doing a job I loved. It presented new problems everyday and I thrived on the challenges. Only trouble was I was actually doing three peoples jobs, working up to 16 hours a day, seven days a week and couldn't take holidays because no one else could do my job. Eventually my health really suffered, so that I could no longer do the job effectively.

So I asked for help and the multi-national company responded by making it impossible for me to continue, so I quit, and it was like a massive wight had been lifted.

They only miss you when you have gone. Within a few days they were begging me to go back. Not a chance !

No happy ending for me though, once I had stopped running about like a madman, my body just seemed to seize up, and there are no benefits for quitters of course. Good job I never had time to spend my earnings. Currently trying to make them last till I get to pension age.

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Thanks you lot.

One thing i now know from reading this is its not just me.

Thanfully i more or less walked into anther job so it wont have a financial impact on my life but it sure as hell wasnt a nice thing to experience. .


You have found a new job ……….. leave with your head held high and don’t look back.


I was in the same position over four years ago and left then recently I know of someone that joined the same company and lasted a couple of weeks before walking out ……….. the same team leader was still there, up to the same old tricks.

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Hi Mr moran


Sadly, the prob you experience is very common.


Often managers, or so-called long standing members of staff stand shoulder to shoulder. If it is a large office, you have packs of people that behave like wolves, they will undermine you at every opurtunity by slagging you off during their lunch time get togthers or other times when you are down laoded with work and they pretend to be doing so-called 'projects.' These 'projects' can be never ending and an excuse to take time off and so-called work from home. Usually this groupl has at least one if not 2 that are v good with thier gob or one with a good, loud gob that is supplied with bullets by the very csly leader. You may forgiver and forget but these low lives won't.


These gangs can often slag of their team manager no end and get new staff to hate the tm leader by their cunning approach. Yet the same gang will at time be only to ready to help out the tm leader on the side and make it look as though others are against them


Often these bullies are OPPORTUNISTS and will never miss a chance to undermine, humilate, and trat you like a kid at every chance. These little gits have no real home life and their lives revole around work, pst work friends and if they felt they have shown some one up publicly, they will chat and parise each other for days and via email and phone after work as well.


It is easily said that one must stand up to these packs of wolves, but easier said than done. they can even slag off publicly so-called friends at the lower end of their group as this group of bullies are shameless, hypocritical, very sly, bullies and would sell their family to make them look good at work.


finally, the leaders of bullies in the 25 plus age group are usually failed managers at so-called previous jobs and come in to you office and are usually very charismatic but once settled they slag of anyone and every one to get a foot hold and usually a tier below main manager, ie drive from the passenger seat.



Good luck for the future


Can totally empathise with this !!


Good Luck Mr Moran, hope all goes well for you and your health in the future :)

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