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About mammograms

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I think it's important to point out that the article and statistics are about routine mammograms only, i.e. those done prophylactically and intended as a screening service, not mammograms offered to women and men who are referred into a breast care centre to check out an already noted potential problem.


Routine mammograms are of limited benefit and I don't think that I've ever met any medic who disagrees with that. Younger women who are at a higher genetic risk of contracting breast cancer are unable to have mammograms purely due to the density of breast tissue in younger women (and yes, I had my first mammogram in my 30s and can confirm that it's an extremely uncomfortable experience when you're under 40) and everybody acknowledges that there is a need to reduce 'false positives' and not overreact to the fact that breast tissue contains a lot of structures, some of which may not be expected.


In my case it is likely that a referred-in mammogram service, along with biopsies and ultrasound scans, has saved my life, so I think it's important to recognise that the test itself is only as good as the person interpreting the results, just like a lot of other tests.

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Hi medusa


I'm so pleased mammography worked out for the best for you. But I am sure you do not favour distortion of the facts or dishonesty in what the public are told:


"The paper also points out that new evidence regarding the ineffectiveness of mammography and the problem of over-diagnosis have not been reflected in an information leaflet for women published last year.


You can read here how Professor Peter Gotzsche, the paper’s lead author, claims:


“Senior researchers who are affiliated with the UK screening programme continue to distort the facts even though we, and others, have pointed out their errors.


“I can only speculate why, but when you have believed in something for a long time and your career is built on that belief, it is very difficult to change. These people, in a scientific sense, are behaving outright dishonestly and doing women a great disservice.”"


I believe in giving people the facts and then letting them decide for themselves. I am against misinformation, as I am sure you are too.

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