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Benefits advice?

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would like some advice please, I have only had a couple of jobs working for a couple of weeks at a time since being made redundant in 2008 as I cant be on my feet for long periods of time, and as I haven't held a job for a long period of time recently I don't qualify for jobseekers allowance, I am unable to work at the minute as I am having an operation next week for an ongoing problem, I'd like to know is there anything I can claim as I am unable to work or get out and look for work, I also don't know how long it will be before I can get back to work as I may still have to have another operation if this one is unsuccessful. would really appreciate the advice.

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just spoke to someone on the phone, they said I can apply for employment support & Disability living allowance but don't think I will get them as I haven't done 6 weeks full time employment in the last 26 weeks ! that was the reason I couldn't claim job seekers allowance. how come some people live off loads of benefits for being idle and I cant get any for being out of work through illness, even when I was well enough to work I was a house wife for a while so wasn't in full time work, when I wanted to get back into it I couldn't claim anything when I couldn't find work! makes me so mad! it's not like I don't want to work.

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Apply for income support then. The rules vary from benefit to benefit but you must qualify for something. JSA if you're looking for work, ESA if you can't work through ill health and IS if for example you're a single parent with young children. Not knowing your individual circumstances I don't know if you'd get IS but if not you should get ESA. You should go to any advice centre to get a full benefits check though including DLA.

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