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What tattoo should i get?

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Personally, I jump to negative conclusions about anyone I know who has a tattoo. It doesn't matter what it is or where it is,



Well i doubt you'll want me helping out on poppy day if that's the case, i have a triple spiral tattooed on my hand which is very obvious.

No way could i work alongside anyone so shallow, so i'm withdrawing my offer of help. :mad:

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Well i doubt you'll want me helping out on poppy day if that's the case, i have a triple spiral tattooed on my hand which is very obvious.

No way could i work alongside anyone so shallow, so i'm withdrawing my offer of help. :mad:


How shallow of you to withdraw your offer of help just because of that! Obviously you weren't volunteering for the right reasons if you've decided not to help a worthwhile cause just because you got uppity about my opinion.


Your local branch is different to mine, so our paths wouldn't cross. Why not go to http://www.poppy.org.uk and get referred to you local branch (Central Branch).


And even if our paths did cross, nothing would happen. You're reacting as if I said I'm a habitual hater of anyone with a tattoo, which isn't the case. Several of our branch members have tattoos - just because I don't like them doesn't mean we don't get on and share a pint and a laugh.


In this thread I was just giving my honest opinion to someone young who asked for advice. To link the two is wrong.

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I dont regret any of mine in fact i still love them after some of 10 years,if people judge me because i have tattoos well *get over it* it dosent bother me and i have no body issues it was something i chose to have done.Everyones an individual and have choices,i made mine and am perfectly happy with it.

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Well i doubt you'll want me helping out on poppy day if that's the case, i have a triple spiral tattooed on my hand which is very obvious.

No way could i work alongside anyone so shallow, so i'm withdrawing my offer of help. :mad:


Frazor was just giving an honest opinion.

Why withdraw a very worthy offer of help because you don't share his viewpoint ?

By the way I have several tattoos.

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Hi am looking for a tattoo for my birthday and dont no what i want it is going to be my first tattoo and im not sure where to have it either?? can any one help??? i have just turned 18 and am a very girly girl.


As others have said, get something with meaning. If you're a big fatty, get a pork pie or a kebab...

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im not just having one done because im 18 ive wanted one for quite some time now but obviously ive not been old enough. i was thinking about having a pink bow as i lost my nannan and grandad to cancer last year xx


I think that is a lovely idea.


I had a red rose tattooed top of my arm in memory of my mum. I wear it with pride and am proud to show it off.


I would say go for it as long as you're happy with your choice of what to have but I think a pink bow would be appropriate

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Tattoos are cheap, nasty and very, very liable to changes in fashion.


Personally, I jump to negative conclusions about anyone I know who has a tattoo. It doesn't matter what it is or where it is, if they've decided to have indellible ink injected under their skin in hope that it somehow makes them more complete/attractive, then it tells me they have underlying issues with body image/confidence/acceptance. . . ..

Must admit I do the same. If I like a picture, then it's something I like to look at, so I'd have it in a frame on a wall. I'd rather not spend a couple of hundred quid on scarring my own body then a few thousand trying to put things right when I regret it years later.


That said, I do like some tramp stamps but perhaps that's because of the seediness they advertise.

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