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What tattoo should i get?

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I have to agree. To me nothing screams 'chav' or 'violent thug' quite like a visible tattoo. [...]


I've got one visible tattoo, on the inside of my left wrist. It never occurs to me try and hide it and I've never had a negative reaction to it. But then perhaps that's because it's very, very obvious from the way I look and speak that I'm not a violent thug...

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You seem to be by your post.


I don't know how, I said I'm happy with my tattoos, and that the comments on these threads are always the same, which they are, I didn't say I was unhappy about anything.


You're implication that the anti-tattoo comments are the reasonable/sensible ones, was probably intended to make me upset (for some reason), but it didn't, sorry.

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In this thread I was just giving my honest opinion to someone young who asked for advice. To link the two is wrong.
This forum is the home of misconstruing of posts, I think tattoos are the current fashion. Fashion changes all the time it will be a long time before tattoos come back in fashion, in the time between tattoos wil fade, blur and look a mess. whereas people without them will still be able to follow fashion whilst the 'Time Sheep' are waiting for the day.
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Me too, I'm 40 year old female, I had my first tattoo at 21 (parents wouldn't let me have one before) then had another 2 at 25 and another 2 at 30, stupidly had my ex's name on my back so when I got married last year I wanted it covering, the tattooist reassured me and said he would do a fantastic job, so he covered a 4 letter tattoo with a bloody great dragon! I was gutted! but I'm stuck with them all now even though I thought I would love them forever and that they were in places that could be covered in older age.



Let's hope the thread starter reads this.
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This forum is the home of misconstruing of posts, I think tattoos are the current fashion. Fashion changes all the time it will be a long time before tattoos come back in fashion, in the time between tattoos wil fade, blur and look a mess. whereas people without them will still be able to follow fashion whilst the 'Time Sheep' are waiting for the day.


Current fashion?

I've had some of mine for over 20 years. Some when tribal was fashion, some when lettering was fashion, some when b+w was fashion, some colour and now we seem to be going old school.

I still have them all and don't regret a single one. Every one reminds me of a period in my life.

We're all different, some like tattoos, some don't.

There are some things in life I don't like, I tend to not think my opinion is right, it's just my opinion.

If it's a fashion, I must have been trendy for the last 20 years....

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i'm just giving my opinion, as a woman I regret it, it has affected job choices in the past as some companies don't allow visible tattoo's, I thought I could cover all mine, but in the summer most are on view. some women don't regret them, I loved all mine at the time, but now I just see the old lady in that advert with the tattoo around her arm, just where I have one of mine.

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Quite the reverse. He's withdrawing because of how shallow you are.



I hope he has the sense to write to the British Legion and let them know that, as I have done.


Either you're trolling, or you have vastly misconstrued my comments.


And for him to punish a whole organisation just because of one man's opinion shows that his intentions were wrong.


See post #59 above. I can only assume you'll be writing to her employer because she dared to give her opinion on here too?


You can write wherever you like, I don't give a t**s. I'm a volunteer, I stand by my views and they won't be bothered. Many good people have died fighting in wars to protect democracy and freedom of speech. That's the reason I support the Legion, and the reason why we can all express on OPINION on forums like this.

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