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What tattoo should i get?

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You can write wherever you like, I don't give a t**s. I'm a volunteer, I stand by my views and they won't be bothered. Many good people have died fighting in wars to protect democracy and freedom of speech. That's the reason I support the Legion, and the reason why we can all express on OPINION on forums like this.


If you clearly state your OPINION that because I have a tattoo you are prejudiced against me then that could cause me to feel differently about whether I wish to give my time to help you though, couldn't it?


The same would apply if I were to state that knowing that someone was a member of the BNP would change my opinion of them. It wouldn't mean that I would refrain from stating my opinion, but I would understand if that changed whether people wanted to interact with me because of it.

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If you clearly state your OPINION that because I have a tattoo you are prejudiced against me then that could cause me to feel differently about whether I wish to give my time to help you though, couldn't it?


The same would apply if I were to state that knowing that someone was a member of the BNP would change my opinion of them. It wouldn't mean that I would refrain from stating my opinion, but I would understand if that changed whether people wanted to interact with me because of it.


My bold - I'm not asking people to help me though. I'm asking people to help the Legion. Not because they do or don't like me, but just because it's a good cause. I'm not professing to be a diplomat, just a messenger.


I find it hard to believe (and frankly quite sad) that people have misinterpreted my original post so badly. I don't like tattoos. End of. If I'm given a choice between dating someone with tattoos and someone without tattoos, I'll go for the one without tattoos. That's no different to going for someone who has natural coloured hair as opposed to being bottle blonde, or someone who has not had breast enlargement surgery as opposed to someone who has.


It's just a legitimate preference, a difference of opinion. It's no reason to go overboard.


I know plenty of people with tattoos, some with dyed hair, and some with false breasts, but we still get on fine, and we still go about our lives in the normal way.

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My bold - I'm not asking people to help me though. I'm asking people to help the Legion. Not because they do or don't like me, but just because it's a good cause. I'm not professing to be a diplomat, just a messenger.


I find it hard to believe (and frankly quite sad) that people have misinterpreted my original post so badly. I don't like tattoos. End of. If I'm given a choice between dating someone with tattoos and someone without tattoos, I'll go for the one without tattoos. That's no different to going for someone who has natural coloured hair as opposed to being bottle blonde, or someone who has not had breast enlargement surgery as opposed to someone who has.


It's just a legitimate preference, a difference of opinion. It's no reason to go overboard.


I know plenty of people with tattoos, some with dyed hair, and some with false breasts, but we still get on fine, and we still go about our lives in the normal way.

You'll be getting accused of Tattooism next.

You have every right to have your own opinion regarding tattoos.

Tattoos used to be known as the mark of a soldier, sailor or criminal.

Nowadays they are seen as fashionable but as that fashion fades the tattoos will still be there.

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My bold - I'm not asking people to help me though. I'm asking people to help the Legion. Not because they do or don't like me, but just because it's a good cause. I'm not professing to be a diplomat, just a messenger.


I find it hard to believe (and frankly quite sad) that people have misinterpreted my original post so badly. I don't like tattoos. End of. If I'm given a choice between dating someone with tattoos and someone without tattoos, I'll go for the one without tattoos. That's no different to going for someone who has natural coloured hair as opposed to being bottle blonde, or someone who has not had breast enlargement surgery as opposed to someone who has.


It's just a legitimate preference, a difference of opinion. It's no reason to go overboard.


I know plenty of people with tattoos, some with dyed hair, and some with false breasts, but we still get on fine, and we still go about our lives in the normal way.


I'm surprised that there are people who have tattoos who have given you the time of day in order for you to get to know them, given that you've stated quite clearly that you're going to jump to a negative conclusion about them on first meeting.


My big question is how you know so much about someone's personality if the tattoos aren't visible but you find out about them later?


You're perfectly at liberty to dislike me, and I'm sure that there are plenty of people who do, but stating that before you've ever met me doesn't do that much to make me want to like you or cooperate with you for anything.


(That said, I did look at whether I could volunteer time to help out this year, but given that it's the wedding of one of my best friends on remembrance Sunday this year, I will be extremely busy in the run up to that day. I don't expect you to be an official representative of the Legion, but research shows that people's opinions of organisations is primarily affected by the people that they perceive as representatives of that organisation)

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Quite the reverse. He's withdrawing because of how shallow you are.



I hope he has the sense to write to the British Legion and let them know that, as I have done.


Do tell us all what you have written...something along the lines of...

'One of the people who volunteers his time to collect money for your appeal does not like tattoos and has stated this on a public forum:o. I know that the people who died in the wars were fighting for freedom - including freedom of speech, but I say old chap this is beyond the pale.

Yours Sincerely

Disgusted of Sheffield.':roll:

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tattoo's don't make the person, the same as piercings, hair dye, false nails, false eye lashes or any type of cosmetic surgery, and I have had all of these! it does not make me shallow or cheap, and I do not have any underlying issues with body image/confidence/acceptance as quoted by Frazer1974, I just stated that I regret having all of my tattoo's, the young lady asked for advice I gave it. She will probably go ahead and have one done as I did even against advice, good luck to her I hope she loves it, I did for years.


Don't judge a book by its cover, if I described how I looked you would have a complete different image to how I actually look.

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Nowadays they are seen as fashionable but as that fashion fades the tattoos will still be there.


They might be seen as fashionable now (by some people) but really people have been having them for centuries, it's nothing new.

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