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I hope people realise the "arab spring" is bad news for us.

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From a selfish point of view, this recent wave of uprisings in the arab world against repressive regimes is bad news for us in terms of fuel prices, energy and food costs etc. The likes of Gaddafi and Mubarak did the west a favour by supressing their people, making them live simply, leaving the worlds resources to be exploited mainly by us in the west, fairly cheeply; but now the people of the arab world want to live like westerners, and if these revolutions are succesful, they may just get their wish, so there will be more demand for resources making them more expensive for everyone.


The west must be mad getting involved in these uprisings :loopy:

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Hopefully the new so-called free libya remebers to sell us fuel a lot chepaer than they do now. Hopefully the greed b@stards at number 10 won't raise the tax on fuel to 92%.


Syria is a good place to attack as thry have several hundred billion barrels of oil in reserve. Cameron fears Iran but like libya, syria and Iran are oprsed and easy peasy for the French and us.

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From a selfish point of view, this recent wave of uprisings in the arab world against repressive regimes is bad news for us in terms of fuel prices, energy and food costs etc. The likes of Gaddafi and Mubarak did the west a favour by supressing their people, making them live simply, leaving the worlds resources to be exploited mainly by us in the west, fairly cheeply; but now the people of the arab world want to live like westerners, and if these revolutions are succesful, they may just get their wish, so there will be more demand for resources making them more expensive for everyone.


The west must be mad getting involved in these uprisings :loopy:


Britain produces enough oil to keep nearly 70% of Britain alive.But our government will continue to buy abroad and charge us big bucks.

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From a selfish point of view, this recent wave of uprisings in the arab world against repressive regimes is bad news for us in terms of fuel prices, energy and food costs etc. The likes of Gaddafi and Mubarak did the west a favour by supressing their people, making them live simply, leaving the worlds resources to be exploited mainly by us in the west, fairly cheeply; but now the people of the arab world want to live like westerners, and if these revolutions are succesful, they may just get their wish, so there will be more demand for resources making them more expensive for everyone.


The west must be mad getting involved in these uprisings :loopy:


Maybe it's completely rational for the bankers and traders and the elites. Anything that bumps up the price of anything (and nearly anything is a tradeable commodity these days) will offer increased profits and increased concentration of wealth at elite level. They don't care about us or the arabs - they just want to make money. So yeah we'll have to pay more but the elites will be happy because they will profit from it.

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Britain produces enough oil to keep nearly 70% of Britain alive.But our government will continue to buy abroad and charge us big bucks.


We also have hundreds of years of coal reserves and carbon capture technology very close to being viable.

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I don't think the West is mad to get involved, especially in Libya. We're the natural customers for Libyan oil especially in Europe, being so close just across the Mediterranean.


I'm not sure where the idea that Gaddafi "did the west a favour by suppressing their people, making them live simply, leaving the worlds resources to be exploited mainly by us in the west, fairly cheaply" comes from.


In fact Gaddafi nationalised the foreign oil companies shortly after coming to power.


Nationalisation (or a 51% share) of foreign ownership of oil reserves was Gaddafi's great achievement and has been followed by many countries including the UK with our North Sea reserves. The UK government has an automatic 51% ownership of any British oilfield.

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